
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:57:46
翻译下这几个词:不及物动词,及物动词, 谁有好听的英文歌曲名说几个要动感的 温柔的我受不了 I want to make friends who have sth in common with meDo you love make friends?I am a student from sichuanprovince .I more than like English .and I also want to make friends with you.whoever you are 把一个长方体木块,截下一个高2cm的长方体,就变成了正方体,这个正方体的表面积比原来少32cm²求原来长方体的表面积(列式) 一个长方体恰好截成两个同样的正方体,截开后表面积增加了32cm²,这个长方形的长、宽、高、表面积是 His friend is smart.对smart 提问 一个长方体的高减去3cm,表面积就减少48cm²,使长方体变成一个正方体.一个长方体的高减去3cm,表面积就减少48cm²,使长方体变成一个正方体,求正方体的体积? 一个长方体的高减少2厘米后成为一个正方体,那么表面积就减少48cm².这个正方体的体积是多少? 一个长方体的高减少2cm²,成为一个正方体,表面积减少48cm²,这个长方体的体积是多少立方厘米 THE CITY IN HISTORY怎么样 The study is published in the spring issue of the journal Politics & Policy. 英翻中:今天晚上!1.exhaust silencera.exhaust noise attenuation shall be provided to satisfy the following requirements:In accordance with requirements of the central Pollution Control Board(latest notification)b.The silencer shall be manufact Mike gets up—— this morning .(用late的适当形式填空) 今天早上我采访了迈克的爷爷 l _______ Mike's grandfather this morning. 英语翻译explain why the ideal Q-Q plot should be a straight line.Demonstrate three different possible deviations of the Q-Q plot graphically?象limuxin1990这样直接拿翻译软件翻译的人就不要回答了 This is how we walk to shool.(写出同义句)This is() ()we walk to shool。(写出同义句) 下列各句没有语病,句意明确的是A.经过老主任再三解释,才使他怒气逐渐平息,最后脸上勉强露出了笑容.B.初涉文坛,她的第一部处女作就是这样一部意味深长的巨著,不能不令人刮目相看.C.经过 我国新颁布的《物权法》,深受广大业主所欢迎.这句话应去掉“所”字,“所”与它后面的“欢迎”构成所字结构,代指动词涉及的对象“物权法”,与前文意思重复,所以助词“所”多余.能不能 plants,study,animals,we,and连词组句 we study plants and animals.( 变为否定据) 关于时间状语从句的问题.是不是用after/when/before等引导的时间状语从句放在句首时与主句之间都要加“,”,而放在语句后就不用加“,比如:After they had entered the house,they went into the dining room./Sh 英语翻译1 这套西服多少钱 2 这三套西服 总计多少钱?3 这套西服8000元4 这三套西服总计24000元.5 你穿上这套西服,显得很帅气.原来的那套并不适合你.英语翻译. she was kind enough to write this letter for me.句子分析 语法,翻译 奥运会英文演讲稿 关于one world one dream的,题目是one world one dream one world,one dream是2008年奥运会主题吗? 一个英语问题:Nothing in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to Palace Museum请问这为什么是个强调句、as可以理解为“自从”吗? 主题为one world one dream的英文演讲稿 大约4分钟 谁帮我找一篇5分钟演讲稿以one world one dream为主题的?下礼拜就要演讲!对不起啊 我没有说清楚 要围绕奥运来讲,而且演讲要有气宇磅礴的语言 The guide first ___(give)us an introduction about the visit to the Palace Museum. In my s______ in Beijing.I visit the Palace Museum.填什么 英语提问-------- in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Place Museum.-------- in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Place Museum.A,Anything B.Nothing C.Everything D.Something . Your laughter is the sunshine ,I keep looking for each day;Your voice is music to my eyes;Your smil