
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:21:58
对$C$2:$U$182的这个区域求每行的最大值 并且标注颜色 怎么搞并且我还想知道每行最大值对应的列名称(就是图中的借车0几的) panto色卡为啥要有“C” 和 “U” 之分啊,颜色不是一样的么 潘通色卡中C面和U面有什么区别啊? 地图上铁路的表示方法 在地图上铁路用甚么表示山峰用甚么表示. 一个正方形的边长增加3cm,它的面积就增加39cm²,求这个正方形的边长? 有谁能告诉山东火车K8263济南-威海是什么样的车?那软卧有空调吗? 冰心写作是受谁的启发? 大哥大姐,帮我写下根据句意及首字母提示,把句子所缺单词补充完整.⒈The months of winter usually are N___,D___and J____.⒉Shanghai si ni the e_____ of China.⒊Teachers' Day is on the t___of S____.⒋The ball is 200 yuan.It 这句话什么意思:Do you know that that that that that man used is in a wang place?wang 改成wrong dz47le-32 我原来用的是dz47-63 c10 可以换吗 氢气和氧气的混合气体共10克,点燃后生成水,并剩余1克氢气,那么原混合气体中,氢气和氧气的质量分别是( )A.2克氢气和8克氧气 B.1克氢气和9克氧气 C.5克氢气和5克氧气 D.4克氢气和6克氧气 六年级趣味问答题一位老人得了重病,临终前,他将3个儿子全部叫到床前,立下一份遗嘱.遗嘱里规定3个儿子可以分掉他的17匹马,老大应得到总数的2分之1;老二应得到总是的3分之1;老三只得到 下列四个位置中能做到“坐地日行八万里"(四万千米)的是( )A.南纬90度B.北纬90度C.赤道上D.本初子午线上的任何一点 1.Do you know the young man wearing sunglasses?_中wear为什么加ING (选择)Do you know the girl __ sunglasses?A.that wear B.who is wearingThis is the best song ___ I've ever heard.A.which B.that 死神嘉年华2地图全C了.为什么配方不能收集完. 根据句意,填入句子所缺的单词(第一个字母已给出).Today is Chen Jie's birthday.John is sending h_________ a card.It's May.What s_________ is it in Beijing?Autumn is beautiful.I can watch the leaves f_________. 根据句意填入所缺单词,第一个字母已给出My son is (l ).can you help me find him? --do you know the young man with __your father is chatting?AthatBwhichCwhoseDwhom Do you know that my heat stil with youDo you know that my heat stil with you 解一道图形题:已知:等边三角形ABC的边长为6cm,求三段弧长的和 各位GGJJ们帮忙解一道图形题:已知两弧长的和L=8π,角BAC=90°,求半圆形的周长 根据句意及首字母提示,填入所缺的单词.1.He likes d_____ pictures very much.2.I w_____ like some cakes for lunch.3.—Is e_____ here?—Yes,we are all here.4.We need some things for the party.Let's do some s_____ now.5.THere are some ho L线是火线?还是N线指火线? (x+2/x-2-x-2/x+2)-x2/x2-4 (x2+x)2-14(x2+x)+24 要怎么因式分解? 电工:3根火线 3个灯泡 断一根火线灭一个灯泡 线路怎么接?忘了 没有零线的 Do you know that man funny glasses and long curly hair?Do you know that man_______funny glasses and long curly hair? 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.--What does that man in white do,do you know?--P_____ he is a doctor. 判断题:(101,88,46,70,34,39,45,58,66,10)是堆 怎样把26.分为2组,每组4个数,且每组4个数的乘积相等.