
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:36:22
西工大小考除了考语数,考英语吗难不难, -"What ____ the noise ,Bill "( ) -"S-"What ____ the noise ,Bill "( ) -"Sorry ,I broke my glass ." A .is B .was C .has been D .will be Mother asked her if she was very hot with so many clothes on?on的用法on的用法与with的用法 《索溪峪的"野"》课文通过描写索溪峪的奇丽风光,表达了作者怎样的心情? 西工大非英语专八怎么报名啊, 迎春绽开朵朵花儿,那是春天的()吧.括号里写什么?迎春绽开朵朵花儿,那是春天的( 微风抚摸着人们的脸,那是春天的( 鸟儿叽叽喳喳地叫着,那是春天的()吧?括号里填什么合适呢? 什么数相乘等于2011相减得1 I did a survey about TV shows we like in my team 这句话对么 We ___ ____ ___about TV shows我们做了关于电视节目的讨论。 读了索溪峪“野”第3段,你眼前出现了怎样的索溪,写下来 作者在写索溪峪的水时是把索溪当做么来写?这样写有什么好处? 关于西南季风和我国云贵地区的准静止锋的成因问题!在云贵地区形成的准静止锋是由于西南季风与南下势力削弱的东北季风影响,势力相当,形成准静止锋.但为什么冬季在云贵地区仍有西南季 为什么只有云贵高原能产生准静止锋,而别的高原没有? 带剑字的成语有哪些 第五题那个 I will do___I think is right.A however B no matter how C whatever D no matter what 为什么有动物长毛有的不长毛 猪鼻子,狐狸身体的动物是什么?尖爪子,长毛 _______是________,传粉受精后发育成果实的果皮.雄蕊的. mr.and mrs.Smith were there,with their family of three small children这里 of 是什么用法?三个小孩的家人?三个小孩的他们家人? Have sth done 与 have sth do在用法上有什么具体区别?在时态、语态上的区别! 原核表达为什么去除信号肽? What do you think ( ) English ?It's difficult but interesting. 像格桑花那样活着 这篇文章中父亲是个什么样的人、、、?速求 Go _________(cross) the road,you'll find the library easily. You seem to have given up smoking for many years.That's true._____ I returned home from abroad.A.Since B.Until选择A还是B,为什么? Modern science has given clear evidence _____ smoking can lead to many diseases.A.what B.whichC.that D.where正确答案是C,为什么? 菩萨用英文怎么说 神仙的英文 英语同义句转换I can help you find the hospital转换为____ _____ help you to find the hospital. Can you tell me how you found the hospital yesterday?(同义句)Can you tell me ____ ____ ____the hospital yesterday? Please turn lrft and you can find the hospital(改为同义句)______ you turn left,you ______find the hospital