
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:03:42
“她不喜欢听古典音乐”的翻译she _____________________classicl music. we don't know what should do with rubbish(简单句) I don’t know what should do with the broker bike同义句转换成I don't know what ( ) ( ) ( )the broken bike 单词辨析deal with与do with都有处理的意思,怎么区别? 英文单词辨析1.I was impressed by his( expertise) on landing craft.替换 a.shrewdness b.special skill2.The political dissident was accused of (instigating)教唆 a plot to overthrow 推翻 the government.a.deviding d.provoking3.China will conti 辨析几个单词请问几个单词的辨析present(ed)provid(ed)reject(ed)reduce(d) 几个单词辨析dozy和lazy hotel和hostel 的区别? 用英文介绍人为什么喜欢古典音乐 what should I protect the wildlife 关于这几个词语,求辨析.关于apart form,besides,except ,except for,的辨析,都表示除了,.有什么区别? A lot of money_____(donate) to Project Hope so far Quite a lot of money (  )for Project Green Hope.1、has been raised 2、has donated 3、have been raised A lot of money and clothes are____(需要)for the project hope He kept a very small part of money,_ presented to the Hope Project.A.the rest B.some C.another D.others The garden is (big and beautiful).对划线部分进行提问_____the garden_______? Beijing is very big and beautiful.改为感叹句(_____)(_____)(_____)(_____)Beijing is. 以仰望为话题的作文THANKS 求《我和我的老师》作文二篇 thanks 词语的辨析导致,致使,以致的区别 Thanks. 第六题,Thanks ﹌ ゛บางครั้งไม่สนคุณอยากให้ค♀ Le bonheur a fait pour ╮ ╮ mal ╮ Yong loin de penser à lire就 有一首歌曲歌词“老师像爸爸,老师像妈妈,幼儿园是我的家”歌曲的名字是什么 我爱我的家,我和爸爸妈妈,爱是不吵架,天天陪我玩耍.我爱我的家,幼儿园是我的家,老师像妈妈,陪我慢慢长大.我爱我的家,绿色地球我的家,大家手拉手,好好爱护她.让爱天天住你家,让爱天天住 关于害怕心里的好词好句 请听歌曲《让爱住我家》,记录一首最让自己感动的歌名及歌词 Every day may not be good,but there's something good in every day.翻译成中文 Every day may not be good,but there is something good in every day. My brother likes Spring Festival very much because he can _(give) some pocket money.昨天我为妈妈买了一块新手表作为她的生日礼物I _ a new watch _ my mother yesterday _ her birthday present.She showed a l_ interest in English.He pay Everyday may not be good,but there is something good in every day这句话是什 见利忘义的意思(希望是现代汉语词典上的) 颠簸在现代汉语词典中的词意是什么?