
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:13:36
新概念第三册第三课有一些疑问,1.The city at one time must have been prosperous,for It enjoyed a high level of civilization,Each of these represented a goddess and had,at one time ,been painted.at one time 什么成分,为什么放的位 新概念第三册第26课的几个疑问1、manufacturers had to pay more money than they had anticipated,这里的manufacturers为什么要加s,文中不是指的是一个工厂吗?第三段中 a company of biscuit manufacturers,是在各地有多 《真理诞生于一百个问号之后》的读后感100字? everry moment of my life 英文翻译中文... 英语翻译拿来夹垃圾的plier 是老虎钳 晕Recycle Bin 是垃圾箱 郁闷有没有合适的啊 英语高材生哪去了 了解周恩来的进中国革命历史上的"皖南事变"发生后,周恩来同志依据写下了?什么著名诗句 在电脑城听到一首英文歌,女声,歌词只有someone to hold,想问问歌曲全名是什么~声音有点像玛利亚凯利·有一点点低沉一样~ The dog rushed to him .there was a card hanging on its neck这里的"hanging "能否用"hung",为什么? THE RISE AND RISE OF MICHAEL RIMMER怎么样 You can never say too many "Thank you"sThere are many ways to show you are thankful for something that someoe has given or done for you youcan give gifts,or you can give gifts,or you can give someone a kiss on the cheek.You may not have enough money Some of china's most important rivers begin in these mountains.中文意思是 Riseof Nations Throns and patriots Miss欧巴桑第83集 Miss欧巴桑国语版83集 韩剧Miss欧巴桑83集 Miss欧巴桑第82集 Miss欧巴桑国语版82集 韩剧Miss欧巴桑82集 Miss欧巴桑第81集 Miss欧巴桑国语版81集 韩剧Miss欧巴桑81集 Miss欧巴桑第80集 Miss欧巴桑国语版80集 韩剧Miss欧巴桑80集 rise of 115 percent什么意思rise of 115 per cent是提升了115%还是提升到115% The rise of Zionism 玛丽外宿中16集文字预告 “what is up?”如何回答? You are fxxking cool the other ones 是单数还是复数 the other ones啥意思? 新概念哪教的好新概念哪里教的比较好. 新概念3 lesson16 Mary hada little lamb第13行中ashamed of having acted so rashly,Divitri(人名) appologized to Aleko(人名)for having accused him.1、ashamed of having acted中having起什么作用?为什么要加having?去掉having→直接 教教 我学新概念和我从没听一节英语课 现在在自学新概念英语第一册 可是十分吃力 学到50课就学不下去了 怎样才能教好英语新概念第一册 新概念英语第二册lesson16求解A mother received a letter from her eight-year-old daughter.Here is part of it:'If I were listenning to the radio don't tell me to do my homework.这里为什么用were listenning 呢 1.I bought some chairs there.(否定句) 2.Peter has got a lot of free time.(否定句) 填空;they catch small animals f___food 1.katrina only eats junk food once a week (because it isn 't good for health)同上2.my mother reads english books about (twice a week)同上3.she should eat something hot.否定句4.i have a stomachache.同上 ----the----with you?5.the black are sta 英语:用else和other填空.