
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:02:00
马关条约,南京条约,北京条约的主要内容 thursday is the _____(five)day in a week用括号里的适当形式填空 在三角形ABC中 a b c 分别是A B C的对边 cosC/cosB=3a-c/b 求sinBNiedar [(a^2+b^2-c^2)/2ab]/[(a^2+c^2-b^2)/2ac]=(3a-c)/b。将其去分母,合并同类项,约去公因子后化简,得b^2=a^2+c^2-2ac/3。我不懂俄 怎么就去了分 化简:SinA+2Sin3A+Sin5A/Sin3A+2Sin5A+Sin7A Tan10°+tan20°Tan60°+tan60°tan10°=? 介绍一下夏洛蒂三姐妹 夏洛蒂三姐妹简介越少越好,别忘了还有奖励! 夏洛蒂三姐妹为什么脱颖而出 展开想象,骚塞后来知道夏洛蒂三姐妹成功了,他会怎么想,怎么说, It is 50 years ___the People's Republic of China was founded.A.afterB.beforeC.whenD.since It was in 1949___the People's Republic of China was founded.A.whenB.thatC.in whichD.which when was the People's Republic of China founded ?It was founded on October 1,1949. 为什么不能when did the People's Republic of China found ?It founded on October 1,1949. 为什么说中英《南京条约》是不平等条约? 一道数学几何题,要详细过程,如果解释的好,给分如图:设P是边长为12的正△ABC内一点,过P分别作三条边BC、CA、AB的垂线,垂足分别为D、E、F.已知PD:PE:PF=1:2:3.那么,四边形BDPF的面积是请 数学几何论证 在梯形ABCD中,AD//BC,∠B=90°,AB=14cm,AD=18CM,BC=21CM,点P从点A开始沿AD边以1CM/s的速度向点D移动,点Q从点C开始沿CB边以2cm/s的速度向B点移动,如果P,Q分别从点A,C同时出发,设移动时间为tS,求t为何值时,梯 October 1th is___ National Day of ___ People's Republic of China.A.a,/ B.the,the C.the,/ D. October 1st is_National Day of_People`s Republic of China为什么答案填的是the / 我认为应该是the the 离婚协议书应该怎么写离婚协议书都包括哪些方面的,因为自己想不了那么全面,所以想帮忙提供一份“离婚协议书”的样本,及注意事项,谢谢! 怎么写离婚协议书 离婚协议怎么写? 一个初中数学题,不难的,哥哥姐姐帮帮小弟!BE是∠ABD的平分线,CF是∠ACD的平分线,BE与CF交于G,若∠A=70°,∠BGC=100°,则∠BDC为多少度?要过程... f(x)=x^2+ax+1/x^2+a/x+b (x不等于0),若实数a、b使得f(x)=0有实根,则a^2+b^2 的最小值为多少? 已知AC=6,CB=8,AB=10,角ACB=角ADE=90°,AE是角平分线求DE的长度网上说用正玄定理求出CAB的度数,然后1/2的这个CAB,知道角CAE和角ACE的度数和AC的长度,用什么定理求出CE的长度一定要些过程啊,不写过程 求翻译时间状语从句It was 1949 when the people"s republic of China was found. 英语翻译thus it was that the boy became the son not of a lawyer but of a high school dropout with a passion for mechanics and his wife ,a bookkeeper 英语翻译Drain your phone until it dies (turns off),then wipe battery stats from recovery.Plug up the charger,turn it on,let it charge to 100%,then turn the phone off,and leave it charging for another 8 hours.前面差不多懂了,主要是后面, 英语翻译That figure is expected to rise by 700,000 due to a lack of availability and access to food. 英语翻译The decision which of the copies is considered to be the central server repository is pure convention and not tied to the capabilities of the distributed version control system itself. 自然灾害的英文名例如 :storm ,,,,,,,,,,flood各种自然灾害的英文名及其中文 用who,where,when,what设计几个问题并回答 填冠词_ People's Republic of China was founded on _ first of _ October 1949. The People‘s republic of China was _____(建立) in 1949.建立有很多单词的,用哪个