
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:34:31
碑字怎么组词? 碑怎么组词 碑字能组什么词? 碑可以组词什么?给我你个神武号 已知甲数是乙是的三倍多12,甲数两数的和是60,求甲乙两数 我想学汽车修理 请问都学那些内容 我想找个修小车的修理厂学修车,谁帮我, My parents' room is a________tidya是这个单词的首字母, That large room is _________(my parents)里面填my parents's 还是写my parents'. 描写蚂蚁搬家的动作,用上一系列动词. 学汽车修理要多长时间学会 多久才能学会修车我学了一个月 就会换胎 其他都不会修 怎么办 惊喜地什么填动词 where is your brother?-He is f_____his pet dog over there. 描写蚂蚁搬家的过程,用上一系列动词,100字左右 甲数的60%是甲乙俩数和的1/4,甲数与乙数的比是( ) The woman is crossing the road.(同义句转换)The woman is _____ _____ the road.(同义句转换)到底是填walking across还是going across还是go across The woman is crossing the road.是什么意思The woman is ? ? the road.俩问号中填什么好?The woman is crossing the road.又是什么意思? The lady is crossing the road.换种表达,句意不变.The lady is ( ) ( ) the road. 负平方 用英语怎么说 e的-2次幂,用英语怎么说出来, The thief climbs into Mr King's room t_ a window. 乱词重组成句:the thief,after,turned on the torch,had climbed into the room,he 一道英语选择:The thief stole into the room without _.用noticing、 being noticed、 noticed 、hav...一道英语选择:The thief stole into the room without _.用noticing、 being noticed、 noticed 、having noticed 中哪个 He saw a thief come into the room.He said three letters,thief ran away .Which three letters I suggested the thief__into prison.A.referred to being put B.referred be putC.referred to be put D.referred should be put解释一下 英译汉Wait until the road is clear before crossing. 拐错弯 用英语怎么说 The old man crossing the road then.(改为同义句) She (is afraid) (to crossing) the road (by) herself.单句找错并改错 设全集U=R,集合A={x|x^2-x-6<0},B={x||x-4|<2},求A交B,A并B,Cu(A交B),Cu(A并B) the woman,together with her two grangdsons,______crossing the road.A.are C.has D.have 新概念英语第二册练习详解谁有全部的练习答案?选择 填空 还有练习 难点等等的全部答案!