
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:01:50
professor li became a famous_______(物理学家)at his early age 用英文说说HOW to look good and feel good She stayed up late _ she did a lot of housework.A.the the nightC.during the nightD.for the night为啥? Miaia had a quick bieakfast and went to school.改为同义句,怎么改, and前后是不是都要写be动词比如说,he is diligent and is doing homework now但是如果前面有have to be ,是不是 and 后面只用写be动词,能不能写个例句讲一下 His name____Jack下横线上应该填什么be动词 enerything from nothing什么意思? 完形填空:It is a world-famous story of a littl完形填空:It is a world-famous story of a little girl n___ Heidi.She was an orphan,and was s___ to live with her grandfather.Her grandfather had a strange temper and lived in the beautiful Swis Bided no one asked,became famous the world to know译中文 —How are things getting on?—All that can be done____.A.has been done B.have been done C.has done D.have done我查了语法书,书上说,谓语动词的单复数形式要根据其所代替的词的含义来确定.那么这里all不能代替things Getting Things Done是什么意思 GETTING THINGS DONE怎么样 different from =nothing like as long as这个短语是什么意思? so long as后面是只接短语还是要接从句的请问 for so long time这个短语有错吗 有错请改一下我觉得二楼的那种可能是对的 我是这么觉得的 as long as 这个词组怎么用?如题,thanks a lot~ 我的确对所有这些事情感到很惊讶.I'm ______ ______ ______ all these things. They hate ____ these things here.A.give give C.taking put 英语翻译爱上了你,我才领略思念的滋味、分离的愁苦和妒忌的煎熬,还有那无休止的占有欲.为什麼你的一举一动都让我心潮起伏?为什麼我总害怕时光飞逝而无法与你终生厮守? 英语翻译:今天早饭我没吃什么不好的东西.I ate ( ) ( ) for breakfast. July 1st 1997 was a s___ day for ChineseI have my 0_____ bedroom.Which is your favourite season?W__________.should的用法 It is July 1st ,1997____Hongkong came back to ChinaA it B that C when D that day His Chinese name is (Wu Dong)对括号里提问千万火急! Things I have done this weekend使用英语写的作文题目,要用现在完成时来写, People can get their money back provided there is something to identify.新概念3练习中的一句 汉译英,会的请进.1."正面:2."反面(背面)"3."冠军"4."夺冠"是我的目标!请问以上四个英文怎么写?1和2有缩写吗? People_____me their money or get their money ___________me. Chinese New Year 的中文是什么? So long as there is breath in me,that long will I persist.请问that long 做什么词性讲,为什么会引起后面句子的倒装?还有就是在这个举止中so long as 引导的是条件状语从句,不会导致后面句子的倒装. So long as there is breath in me,that long will I persist.为什么用了倒装? As long as you continue to learn English,you will achieve wonder.(这里用continue doing还是to do只要你继续学习,你就会创造奇迹