
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 16:43:48
leaves on the tree还是leaves on the trees? ----will the dinner be ready I‘m hungry now.just wait a moment.A.how soon B.how long C.how much 为什么? 产生感生电动势的非静电力是感应电场对自由电荷的作用力,产生感生电动势的非静电力与洛伦兹力有关. ---____will the supper the ready?I'm very hungry.--- In a minute.A.How soon B.How long---____will the supper the ready?I'm very hungry.--- In a minute.A.How soon B.How long C.How much D.How often 副词 Dinner will be ready……Dinner will be ready ——but we have time for a drink.选项:A.recently B.presently C.lately D.frequently 我选C啊.再帮忙翻译一下整句句子, 我哪里错了 一质量M=4kg,长L=3m的木版,水平外力F=8N向右拉木版,木板以V.=2m/s的速度在地面上匀速运动.某一时刻将质量m=1kg铁块轻放在木版最右端.不计铁块与木版摩擦铁块视为质点.g=10m/s^2求铁快经过多长时 第三问为什么我的理解错如图所示,质量为mA=2kg的平板车A静止在水平地面上,车长d=5m.物块B静止在平板车左端,在物块B正前方某处.有一小球C,球C通过长l=0.32m的细绳与固定点O相连,球C恰好与 Dinner isn't teady yet._______ will it be ready?a.how soon b.how long c.how much d.how often 英语作文my atittude towards life希望高手来写一篇200单词大学水平 英语作文:my attitude towards time谁能教教怎么写啊! 英语作文《my attitude towards fortune》求高手写一篇英语作文,200字左右, tell me the truth forever or leave me 英语翻译1、白色风信子2、樱花草3、黑色蔷薇4、曼陀罗5、白色蒲公英6、罂粟花 Because having a healthy diet will help your body working just the way it should英语翻译 老师常常让我们在课上练习对话.The teacher ____ us ____ ____ the dialogue in class. Still Check Your Way,Keep believing in Working. 上课时学生们都听老师讲课.翻译:( ) the students ( ) ( ) the teacher in class. IS THIS tle library. 什么意思? This is a library.改错,应该怎样改证? LOOK!This is our library(英语解释) This is a Library.哪里错了并改正 Back in Ireland for a while.Back to China before too long.翻译 How about having a barbecue here的中文意思是什么 barbecue什么意思 barbecue什么意思,怎么读?怎么读,啥意思 barbecue We should give seats to_____ when we are on bus.A.old B.olds C.the old D.olderHe bought_____ presents with____ money.A.a few,a few B.a few,a littleC.a little,a few D.a little,a little The Attitude towards Life and Death谁写的 when you__(把t e e m组成合适的单词填入) an old man on the bus ,you should give yourseat to him. in which class is -______boy in white?-A the B .a C.an D./ In which class is (the) boy in white?为什么括号里用THE