
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 10:31:43
Postmen bring us letters 同义句 一台织布机5小时织布115米,照这样计算,再织184米布,共需( )小时A184/(115/5) B184/(115/5)+5 C(184+115)/(115/5) message 我播放那些DJ音乐的时候,总会出现需要使用附加组件才能此演示.查找软件时请稍等,大概10秒以后它接着会出一个 Real 中没有支持此内容的软件更新... 我作文偏题了吗?题目是“再也没有”命题作文,材料上写的是缅怀过去、珍惜之类的.但说了自定立意.我写的主题是“再也没有比生命更美的存在”,标题是对的,请问偏题了吗?命题作文不一定 这篇作文偏题了吗?有人说:“有两种东西,一旦失去,才知道可贵,一是青春,一是健康.”其实失去后才知道可贵的又何止于此题目是让我们自拟的 我写的题目是珍惜现在所拥有的我写了 如果青 我的世界手机版有什么可驯服动物 把一个高是4cm的圆柱截成两个小圆柱后,表面积增加了18cm2,圆柱原来的体积是()cm3 把一块棱长为2厘米的正方体铅块段压成一个底面半径是2厘米的圆锥铅堆,这块铅堆高多少厘米?(结果保留一位小数) many things around us may affect our feeling 中around us为何放于many things 后呢?介宾结构不是放...many things around us may affect our feeling 中around us为何放于many things 后呢?介宾结构不是放于句末吗? 我的作文偏题了吗?2010年中考作文:《难忘的决定》 一共有三面.我两面半都没提到“难忘”、“决定” 最后才谈到. Seven Letter if you want to be happy make a lovely smile.是什么意思 pupils in the larger classes said they liked school just as much however,pupils in the larger classes said they liked school just as much. 万用表的DCma、DCV、ACV分别是什么档?什么是测量交流电压的 用枪指在女孩的背上 用英文怎么说 The cover of your physics book measures 0.264 long and 0.219 wide.What is its area in square meterThe cover of your physics book measures 0.264 long and 0.219 wide.What is its area in square meters?只要两个相乘?晕 我这么算了 竟然算 when someone asks you a question you don ' t want to answer ,smile and say ,why do you want to kn When someone asks you to his.When someone asks you to his or her home,it is very clear who is the guest and who is the host,but invitations to restaurants for lunch,dinner,coffee,a drink,et,sometimes present problems,and the customs vary indifferent 枪用英语怎么写 Look,the boy in blue_____ (look)smart.用适当形式填空 and soon mr black found it.翻译 You learned English three years ago.改成现在完成时, 呃.由于问题太长.甲、乙两车同时从A去B,甲车行全程的一半时,乙车离B还有108千米 当甲车到达B时 乙车行了全程的80%.A、B两地相距多少千米?今天就要、、、3.8 I promise my dear I'll put nothin above ya Baby you can do no wrong 如何用尺规作图画一个边长分别为2cm 3cm 4cm的三角形 画一个三角形,时期边长分别为4cm.5cm.和3cm 应该怎么画 射箭运动员英文怎么拼 速求 射击运动员的英文怎么拼? 英语“射特”怎么拼的? 有谁能帮我翻译Work with my heat,Enjoy with my soul这句英文的意思?谢谢! 已知单项式-3分之2xy的2m-1次方,与-2²x²y²的次数相同,(1)求m的值(2)x=-9 y=-2时单项式-3分之2xy的2m-1次方的值是多少? 底面积相等的两个圆柱体积相等吗