
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:24:29
1乘3分之1+3乘5分之1+5乘7分之1+.+2001乘2003分之1 49﹙x-y﹚²-25﹙x+y﹚²怎么因式分解?4(6x-y)(x-6y) 如果关于x的不等式a(2x-1)>3b(x-1)的集解为x 计算2002²-2002乘2003=? (1-1/2005)+(1-2/2005)+(1-3/2005)+……(1-2003/2005)+(1-2004/2005)等于多少拜托各位了 3Q 简便计算:①2001×2003-2002² 在横线上填一个数,使计算简便,并计算15.92 — 七分之四十三 — ( ) 在下面的的横线上填上合适的数,在□里填上合适的运算符号.(90□_)÷(15□_)=6 你还有其他填法吗在下面的的横线上填上合适的数,在□里填上合适的运算符号.(90□_)÷(15□_) 1.yes they are _____.2.are there any_____?3.yes,they are_____ the bamboo.在_____ 上填空. Are coats yours? Yes, they are. A.they B.these C.this D.there What's this in Engliah.--( ) A,yes,there B,There is a pen .C,it's a chair .D,No ,they are. 请用完全平方公式解答!(2X-Y-3)(2X-Y-3)丫的,本来会了,.但是括号不知道添那去. (2x+y-3)的平方 求平方差公式解答 This is a big dog改成感叹句 Is this a big school?用什么回答Is this a big school?是用Yes,it is.还是Yes,this is. This is a big eye. 7分之5-15-13分之5-7分之3-7分之5×3分之10 简便计算,不能简便,就按顺序 3分之1x-9分之2x=2 Look at the picture. There are many childLook at the picture. There are many children in the park. Mike is picking up appled. _____________________ 拜托,怎么做呀,看图写话 教我 回答的人必定采纳肯定肯定, 2002²-2001×2003 2001²-2010×2012 look at the picture.There are many childrenlook at the picture. There are many children in the park. Mike is picking up apple. 2002²-2001×2003= Look!This is a picture of a ____.There is a ____ in the park.还有 A:Look at the picture _____a park.There are some birds _____the tree.B:Are there____boys under it?A:Yes,there are.They're_____English books.B:______ ________girls are there near the river.A:There're six.B;Are they pinging_______?A:Yes,they are.B:____ Look!This is a picture of a p_____.There is a l___inthe park.There is a s___ and a b___ on the lake.The h_____ is near the lake.And the t____ is near the h_____.There is a c____ in front of the h_____.Look,there is a b____ near the lake .He is f____. 6.08*9.9简便计算 x²+5分之x²+2x+1,为什么x无论何值都有意义? 使式子√-(x-5)² 有意义的未知数x的值有多少个? 当x取何值时,x-1/x²+4有意义? 能使√-(x-5)²有意义的实数x的值有几个?要理由细节. 求泊船瓜洲诗句 泊船瓜洲 古诗这首诗是七律什么诗,押什么韵?