
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:40:50
根据汉语情景写出相应的英语句子别人向你祝贺生日快乐时,你应说--------- 对方迟到想你表示歉意,你应说--------- 别人向你表示感谢,你应说--------- 不小心踩到别人时,你应说--------- 主动向别 由汉语写出英语 形容关系密切的词语 千字开头的 unix linux的发音用汉字怎么拼? Unix、Linux操作系统的发音……Unix 发音是‘优尼丝’,还是‘优尼克丝’?Linux 发音是‘里尼克’,还是‘里尼克丝’? 英语翻译I have an excellent ability to learn and willing to learn,innovation,and constantly strive for excellence;After years of school education,I continue to practice textbook knowledge,the maximum to the theoretical knowledge combined with pra 四点底的符号怎么打 各个国家的英文名称和音标 "木马病毒"用英语怎么说? 病毒的预防英语怎么说?是precautions against virus么?再帮我翻一下"骇客帝国"和"病毒档案馆" 英语翻译内容:经过考虑,我想我可以把出价提高到$500(我之前出过价了,对方比较由于,所以这次写邮件告诉对方可以把出价提高一些)括号内是说明,不用翻译, 求英语解题答案(单选题)1题号:1 单选题I didn’t forget the book because my wife ____ me to bring it.选项:a、recalled b、mentioned c、reminded d、remembered题号:2 单选题The surgeon is treating several _______ of this disea 求英语解题答案(单选题)二题号:11I am sorry to tell you that the book you asked for is not ______.They say it is sold out.选项:a、approachable b、sufficient c、comprehensible d、available题号:12 In a burst of anger she ______ t 求英语解题答案(单选题)2题号:11 单选题It was ______ back home after the experiment.选项:a、not until midnight did he go b、 until midnight that he didn’t go c、 not until midnight that he went d、 until midnight when he didn 求英语解题答案(单选题)一题号:1 Except on official ____ such as formal reception,American society has a certain amount of informality.选项:a、casesb、situationsc、conditionsd、occasions题号:2 In accomplishing our task,we canno 求英语解题答案(单选题)31.By the time the course ends,____ a lot about the British way of life.选项:a、we have learned b、we’ll learn c、we are learning d、we’ll have learned2.He speaks so quickly that I didn’t _________what 英语翻译相当于填空一样:the actor ___ ____ ____about her ___. 5道英语单选题题号:16 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:To your delight, she quickly _____ herself to the new situation.选项: a、acquainted b、exposed c、adapted d、devoted-- 5道英语单选题,36.I didn’t hear the phone.I _______ asleep.A.must be B.should be C.must have been D.should have been 37.Don’t wait for me if you _______.A.have a hurry B.are in a hurry C.have a speed D.are in a speed 38.John had _______ his 信的英文 五道英文单选题1.I________buy any wine.A.need not B.don't need c.don't need to2.It_______heaviy here at this moment.A.rain B.rains C.is raining3."I haven't got a car.""______"A.Neither have I B.Neither do I C.Neither am I4."Is there a supermark 画一个大小为60度的角,求做这个角绕它的顶点按逆时针旋转45度后的图形.对了,可加很多分)不要网上查的那个! 5道英语单选题(A)1.If the sun ___ tomorrow,what would we do?A.will not rise B.had not risen C.would not rise D.were not to rise2.It ___ every day so far this month.A.is raining B.rained C.rains D.has rained3.there's a police car in front of our 英语你还是不信我怎么说要求 正确.你还是不信我.用英语怎么说? 画一个大小为60度的角,求做这个角绕它的顶点按逆时针旋转45度后的图形. 形容人耳朵可用的成语来形容或古文 怎么形容里外都破败的人?有什么古文或者成语吗?形容外表漂亮,内里破败的人,我们可以用金玉其外,败絮其中,那如果是里外都破败呢?要斯文点,有书卷味一点的答案 显得你读过书! 英语翻译工作经历:I.2003年1月——2005年9月于深圳市京泓真空薄膜有限公司任业务助理,主要负责客户订单确认、安排出货、对帐催款等,坚持真诚、积极地面对客户,把客户需要当作自己需要 英语翻译他为什么没在这里 这个怎么翻译. 英语翻译我是```,参见2011年work and travel的一员.非常荣幸暑假能去贵公司工作,并且与您相识,对此我感到非常的荣幸,我想这一定是我人生中非常值得怀念的事情.我在合同上签订的工作日期是201 英语翻译中国企业收购加拿大sherritt公司方案制定职务:项目经理助理项目简述:分析加拿大矿业情形和投资环境编写有关入股说明及有关sherritt公司说明 英语翻译Yes can you send another 1 please.2 sizes bigger.