
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:12:31
It is very cold in February.It is the most ______month of the year.(bad)额.我靠、、、、 worst不是最高级吗?那前面为什么要加the most?(我知道答案是worst) 甜言蜜语的近义词有哪些,要3个 I'm a sports fan, I like playing football and play tennis.这句有两个play,第一个是playing而第二个是play,为什么?前几天作业上有道这样的题填空 I like sports.I like playing _ and play _.I am healthy and strong. 网上回 I'm a sports fan, I like playing football and play tennis, I like watching football match on TV my brother prefers___football.he doesn't like table tennis.playing to play with playing playmy brother prefers___football.he doesn't like table tennis.playing to play with playing play 10道词性转换 北冥有鱼,其名为鲲 . 是 give sb surprise吗?还是怎么用 好像是在初中学的,大概是1996-2000年时,应该是一篇为诗集作的序,有名的序里面引用了许多名句和典故,如:北冥有鱼,其名为鲲;狐死首丘,兽犹如此,人何以堪等.不知哪位朋友还记得此篇课文, 用give sb.a surprise造句 “北冥有鱼,其名为鲲”是哪篇文章里的? Do you have to practice play the piano every day? You must practice ____(play) the piano every day 用适当的疑问词填空.-___did you play the piano when you were 10 years old?-Every day.为什么中国政府不想让外国工程师建筑那条铁路?Why __the Chinese ___ want foreign ___ to build the ___ Do you practice_____(play) the guitar every day? 在夏感中找2处句子赏析(句子字数要少,赏析也要少)!6、夏感梁衡充满整个夏天的是一个紧张、热烈、急促的旋律.好象炉子上的一锅冷水在逐渐泛泡、冒气而终于沸腾了一样,山坡上的芊芊 初中课文《夏感》的整体感知和主旨还有句子赏析 afford to be 后面加什么词性 谁知道“配人教课标版”的初三的化学寒假作业每道题的答案?急! 现在进行时,将来时,过去式,能给我讲讲吗? she( )(play) tennis every day. Let's(she( )(play) tennis every day.Let's( )(play) soccer.He( )(not) have so many balls 外研版英语必修四单词填空.外研版英语必修四的单词首字母填空的题 因为是英语课代表 想让同学们换种方式背单词 she___________(play)tnnis every day. 外研版英语必修三单词听力我想自己预习,谁有单词听力可不可以发给我一下,真的快找疯了, 外研版英语必修三单词 改错 She play every day. 外研版英语必修二单词外研版的. It is generally agreed that its chronic poor perfomance is more due to its collective strategy then skills of individual player.大家普遍认为他的长期糟糕表现更多源于集体策略问题,而不是单个球员的水平问题!麻烦帮我 that the dog was the first animal to be domesticated is generally agreed upon byauthorities in the field 为什么是dog 前面要填that the 而不是the It is generally {agreed} that new industries {are needed} for the southern part of the country.为啥{ }用的被动?这句话的意思是啥?我咋翻译不成被动 急,用不定积分的第二换元积分法求 不定积分.怎么破,用换元积分法