
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:18:45
My brother has been a soldier since two years and a half.(划线提问)My brother has been a soldier (since two years and a half.这部分划线提问)) which road to take为什么用主动呢? Which way is up to me but so were five other students 这里为什么有两个副词,我知道but在这里是转折,so呢? taste the what colour is it?哪错了 The biue colour represents water:It a_______ shows Haibao is from a coastal city ,Shanghai 需要一个英文姓,我是女孩,英文名Isabella,想起一个好听优雅一点的姓,谁帮帮我 英文名Isabella音标 想改英文名,Isabella,Tavia求鉴定我的英文名字叫Isabella,用了四年,我最喜欢的女星叫Tavia,我觉得这个名字很特别很好听,正好明年要到一个新的环境里念书了英文名字挺重要的.已经习惯了现在的 Can you tell me how to get to the supermarket?=Can you tell me _ _ _ the supermarket?Is there a lot of rain in your home town?=Does it _ _ _ in your home town?Please bring me your homework __ tomorrow morning. fifty-five students were born in the first three months 翻译 There are lots of————(thing) to see.把thing改成什么? Many people consider it the best modern American music 怎么翻译?it后为什么不加is bessie 这个英文名在印度什么意思 14世纪的文艺复兴恩格斯:文艺复兴是一次人类从来没有经历过的最伟大、最进步的变革.为什么说文艺复兴是当时“最伟大、最进步的变革”? 欧洲文艺复兴运动发源於 we haven't decide that where we have a meeting和we haven't decide where to have a meeting这两句子对这两句子对吗?有没有语态上的错误? SHADOWS OF THE MIND怎么样 THE SHADOWS OF CONSUMPTION怎么样 in the shadows of是什么意思及反义词 I like fruit that ( )sweet.A.is B.taste 选哪个?选A是定语,选B是变成被动不行吗?如果把B变成tastes Mr.li goes to Japan by plane.提问—— ——Mr.Li—— —— ——? 文艺复兴运动为什么开始就是文艺复兴最初的目的是为了什么?和宗教有什么关系? I'd like that和 I like that的区别是什么? 文艺复兴运动是从哪个国家开始的? 文艺复兴从什么时间开始,什么时间结束 文艺复兴运动发生在什么时间? 如何改“Can you tell me how I can get to the shop? 句型转换:1.He went there by plane.(some day next year) He went there by plane.(some day next year)快 英语翻译XXX,看了你们发过来的付款水单,我们订单的费用是XXXX,而你们的付款是XXXX,少了264美金,我想问一下是不是哪里扣货代费了?