
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:02:51
Discuss the similarities and differences in Great Britain concering the goals of education文不对题的答案就算了,要求全英文.Discuss the similarities and differences in Great Britain,the US and China concering the goals of education,因 .“赞叹不已”的“已”字用音序查字法,应查大写字母( ).“已”在字典里的解释有:①已经;②后来;③止.这里应选第( “固”按部首查字法应先查( )部,再查( )画;按音序查字法, 查字典的 我不行了! tv i on watch sunday怎样连词成句 The boss had them_________from morning to night.The boss had them from morning to night.A.worked B.working C.work请清楚说明!不要抄袭! You open them in the morning.You close them at night.But you cansee them only in the mirror.What am (选A)The boss made them____ day and night A.work B.working C.to work D.to working (选A)The boss made them____ day and night A.work B.working C.to work D.to working 解释为什么选A%D%A啊啊,智商低 my mother works from morning to night 与my mother worked from the morning to the night today.第一句话加the 可以吗. 第二句正确否?帮我解释下,谢谢 生活中不乏精妙的语言,如在公共场所,我们经常会看到一些提示语和广告词,有的富有情趣、耐人寻味,如“保护草坪”的提示语变成了:“别踩我,我怕疼!”请你也来改写一下下面几条生硬的 从广州到潮州,轿车要行6小时,货车要行8小时两辆车每小时各行驶这段路程的几分之几?如果两车同时从广州出发到潮州,3小时后各行了全称的几分之几?越快越好 五年级下册思考题一个长方体的长是30厘米、宽是20厘米、高是15厘米,把它分成棱长相同的正方形,不许有剩余,分成的正方体棱长最长是多少厘米?能分成几个这样的正方体? 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:3.12内容:我国经济体制改革的中心环节是选项:a、建立社会主义市场经济体制b、国有企业改革c、转变经济增长方式d 怎样才能更快的拥有太阳? 为什么冬天的太阳跑得那么快?愚闷 太阳位置一会变 晒个衣服都要追着太阳 为什么夏天不这样 为什么夏天日照时间长,而太阳走得更快了?我住的地方左右都有高楼挡着,春天的时候是11点半左右照射过来,到下午3点多才离开,照射在我家阳台的时间大约4个小时左右,现在立夏了,上午11点就 某客运站开展优质服务活动,文明号窗口每一分钟服务一位顾客,窗口开始售票时,已经有10位顾客在等待购票某客运站开展优质服务活动,文明号窗口每1分钟服务一位顾客,窗口开始售票时,已经 为什么?夏天的太阳跑得这么慢,冬天的太阳跑得这快. 我有一个GEORGE VI KING EMPEROR 背面是 ONE QUARTER ANNA INDIA 1940我有一个GEORGE VI KING EMPEROR 背面是 ONE QUARTER ANNA INDIA 1940没有阿拉伯数字 周围有精致的花边的 硬币 是什么 值钱吗 King GeorgeⅢ r_____Great britain for 60 years.要填什么, There isn't any water in the glass ,but today there is ______ orange in it.用any还是some I'd like ___(buy)some sandwiches. 我们肉眼看到的太阳是1太阳整体 2太阳大气的整体 3太阳的色球层 4太阳的光球层 1.Tom sat in the front row ___ the speaker clearly A.hearing B.to hear C.the D./ 我们肉眼所看到的太阳是太阳的哪一层? 填空:The girl sat in the front row_____ she could see the film clearly Mum is at work.I have to b_ my sister at home.b_填什么?这是按首字母填空 i have never heard of something.hear是及物动词,为什么加of I have never heard of that before可不可以说成I had never hear of that before? 成本运营中心总监英语怎么说 成本运营英语怎么说原话是:公司的经营目标是通过优秀的流通服务及成本运营体现自身价值,(我觉得成本运营和运营成本在翻译上有所不同,请了解金融英语的高手帮帮忙) 运营费用 用英语怎么说 Dear editor I am a high school sudent 开头的 短文改错.短文改错?Just a few days before ,one of my close friend told me that he was going to stop the school .he said that he wanted to start his own business ,I tried my best to get him change