
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 06:41:35
契诃夫,欧亨利,莫泊桑被称为什么? 老挝大红酸枝和微凹黄檀怎么鉴别 请问哪里有MP3的新概念英语下载啊, 哪里有新概念英语第一册MP3(新版)下载? look play have watch do call bring take spell know的第三人称单数是什么谢谢了, 写出下列动词的一般现在时第三人称单数形式:get look make say do go wash watch have run take buy 写出meet look do spell watch call find know take bring have的一般现在时,现在进行时和一般过去式 meet look excuse thank do spell call lost found know take bring need have let play sound watch帮忙变三单和ing形式,以上动词 then后加动词的什么时态 Money is important in my life.But it isn't e____ to me.Money is important in my life.But it isn't e____ to me.----How long may I k___ the book? ----For two weeks. 3.E____ Alex or Peter can go to the movies with my because I only have two t Money is important in my life ,but it isn't __ to me .A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything Money is important in my life But itisn't----to me 横线添什么,为什么 谁有韩非子的书籍内容 《韩非子》属于什么名著?属于什么类别的?说得具体点儿哦! ( )( ),( )等语言故事都是来自韩非子的著作 韩非子作品? 英语翻译AT 8 A.M.it lay on Giuseppi's news-stand,still damp from the presses.Giuseppi,with the cunning of his ilk,philandered on the opposite comer,leaving his patrons to help themselves,no doubt on a theory related to the hypothesis of the watch 求助翻译这段关于欧亨利作品评论的文章,谢了!急欧·亨利生活与创作的年代,正美国资本主义飞速发展并走上帝国主义阶段的时期,国内资本主义高度集中,低层人民的生活日益贫困,而面对这 it is not good() to play on the old people helping the old and the weak is a good virtueand( )it is necessary for us to do soA.however B.otherwise C.still D.therefore请选择并说明用法及它们区别是什么谢谢!A.however B.otherwise C.still D.therefore It is good for old people to _____ after carefully. 韩非子一书是韩非子写的吗? 《社戏》一文中,请在10 11 12 13这些自然段中找出心理描写的句子 《社戏》中分析第11自然段第1句和第12自然段全部的句子 The factory brought many (利益) to the people in the country这里应该填什么?benefit这个单词到底是可数的还是不可数的? 用不定代词填空:the work needs many people.there ae fifty workers here,but we need( ) five workers 《韩非子》是一部什么样的书?它成书于什么时期,有哪些特点? 请推荐一本解读《韩非子》的经典书籍 So this is good news that older people should not continue to smoke.这里的that引导的是什么从句啊在句子中做什么成分? Young people should never forget that_good health is_important part of happiness.A.the;/ B.a;the C.a;an D./;an 你们那里有什么名胜?,用英语怎么说? 英语翻译