
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:09:27
英语翻译我闻到了春天的气息.——过去式我看见了许多花,比如,牵牛花,迎春花……它们绽放的是多么美丽——过去式这句不算. 粗心的小胖,在做减法时,把被减数十分位上的6看作8.正确计算结果是7.63,则小胖做的答案是( ). 用英语几句话概括一本名著急死我了, 英语翻译大雨使我们不能出去野营The heavy rain ___________________________________________大熊猫将来在野外生存方面可能有困难The giant panda___________________________________________ Chinese,as most people think,is the most beautiful________in the world.A.word B.voice C.sound D.tongue 英语:1..i think dog is the kindest animal in the world.此句中的dog为什么没有加S,那这一句为什么加了呢:why don't dogs go to school ,Eiddie?2.the line is not longer than that one,同意句能不能这样表达:the line is not as lo 这些英语句子哪个是对的?what do you think is the world most dangerous animal?A what do you think is the world most dangerous animal?B Do you think is the world most dangerous animal?C What do you konw is the world most dangerous animal?D do (People ,that,one,most,in ,some,it,the,buildings,world,of,beautiful,is,the,think 英语翻译I know the pollution has a lot to do with too much focus on economic indicators(指标)in evaluating Chinese officialsFlorian Kessler considered the pollution had much to do with Chinese government 求英国名著内容英语简介1200-2000单词,不管是哪本书的,只要是摘要或者简介1200单词以上就可以.要是有中文对照更好. 小粗心,太大意,计算减法看错题,被减数个位是8抄成3,减数十位的2抄成5,这样算出的差是305.你知道正确的得数是几吗? 名著好词好句好段出自一本名著,200个好词20个好句2个好段,最好短一点的, 名著中对眼神描写的词语和句子请注明作者和作品名. 小粗心,太大意,计算减法看错题,被减数个位的8抄成3,减数十俭的2抄成5,这样算出的差是305.你知道正确得数是几吗? 名著(好词好句)我需要两本名著的好词好句,(国内外名著都可),一本名著要4个字的词语和50字左右的好句,我要两本名著, 减法计算题:计算减法看错题,被减数个位的8写成3,减数十位2写成5,这样计算的差是305,请问正确得数是几 mkg菜子可以榨出nkg菜子油,每榨出1kg菜子油需要( )kg菜子,1kg菜子可以榨出( )kg菜子油. m kg菜子可以榨出n kg菜子油,每榨出1kg菜子油需要()kg菜子,1kg菜子可以榨出()kg菜子油.我填:mkg菜子可以榨出nkg菜子油,每榨出1kg菜子油需要(1/(n/m))kg菜子,1kg菜子可以榨出(1/m*n)kg菜 The following is what people do in some countries in some countries the war is like a big,black cloud —— the peoplehanging over hanging out hanging with hanging up In some countries,people burn t______ to cook food. 英语作文 讲下思路及具体例子就行 1.Some people think the foreign英语作文 讲下思路及具体例子就行1.Some people think the foreign visitors should be charged more than the local visitors when they visit the cultural and histo People eat different things indifferent parts of the world.In some countries,people eat rice every 英文名著摘抄,注意是一本书的摘抄.可以是一段.一共要200字的3段以上 句子5句以上.全部是一本书里的,说明是哪本书. Some people think the zoos are _____ for animals Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource.To whatWild animals have no place in the 21st century.Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource.To what extent 英语翻译最受欢迎的书是幽默的书. 英语翻译The first time that happened,I called Susan to report the marvel in astonishment,like I'd just seen a camel using a pay phone. 英语翻译有一句话是“drastic actions should be taken to prevent one form of cheating another”,为什么翻译成“我们应该采取严厉措施阻止各种形式的欺诈”.其中“one form of cheating another”这句不明白, 八分之五米是一米的几分之几,又是五米的几分之几 犯罪用英语怎么说?If we see some people _____________(犯)the law,we should fight against them.填什么? From example ,some people can't see ,and they use a dog to help them move( ).A.up B.back C.around D.across