
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:32:41
英语翻译We were two sombre boys hunched in our coats,grim winter settling in.The college was at the edge of a small town way upstate,barely a town,maybe a hamlet,we said,or just a whistle stop,and we took walks all the time,getting out,going nowh 下列多项式不是完全平方式的是【】A.x的平方-4x-4 B.1/4+m的平方+m C.9a的平方+6ab+b的平方 D.4t的平方+12t+9式子为25m的平方+kmn+16n的平方可表示为完全平方形式,则k为 第二题和第五题,看不清可以再问 7、8两题看不清告诉我 高中生物,两道题,谢谢,如果看不清,可以在发! 改病句:他犯这么大的错误绝不是偶尔的 英语翻译 谁能给我看看这是什么东西,干什么用的.看不清我可以发详细的,说清那一面. 我可以在这里拍照片吗地道的英文怎么说?注意:在这里,这个词 有植物或动物会在某个时期停止生长吗有这样的动植物吗?它们是什么?我说的是在没有成熟之前!怪我没有表达清楚! 求:一小段文字翻译!萨贝尔位于东街口百货的25层,晚上在这可以看到福州美丽的夜景.餐厅也充满着浪漫的气氛.比萨烤翅也都是非常好吃的.大家可以去试试.就这一段!我今天晚上就要用,谢谢 “在一个句子中不能出现两个动词”是什么意思,比如说“I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school”这句话中有多少动词呢? a clothes 这种形式不对把.但是 a new clothes 为什么求详解谢谢. 作者笔下的桃花源有哪些特点?其中最令余人羡慕的是哪一种景象? 第八题. 第八题! 第八题急! 第八题, 语法选择 第8题急 剪去植物的顶芽原因和好处 sat语法两题求解.我选的为何错 去顶芽的植物是否还会张出顶芽 语法选择求解 在四年级上册(人教版)的“26 那片绿绿的爬山虎”的问题:读了这篇优美的文章,你最想弄明白的一个问题是_____________________________阅读加油站:他跟我的谈话,让我好像知道了或者模模糊糊 《论语季氏》的翻译 (字数要多哦)1.请用“不必说……不必说……单是……就……”造一段话,要求优美或顺畅.例:“不必说”碧绿的菜畦,光滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑葚;“也不必说”鸣蝉在树叶里 Because of the recent increase in property values,how one can find inexpensive housing within a week is a puzzle to me.为什么主语用one?宾语不是me么?When the hometown crowd realized that its team was about to lose the game,they started to l 1.The most notorious quick-draw gunman of the Texas frontier,John Wesley Hardin’s exploits were written about in an autobiography published posthumously,The Life of John Wesley Hardin as Written by Himself.(A) John Wesley Hardin’s exploits were w often_not ro touch the poisonous chemicalsa.does Peter warn us b.Peter warns us为什么选B不选A 还有Often 在句子中做的什么成分 1.Significant factors to include in the budget when {buying} a car are the costs of fuel and maintenance and the insurance payments.这里的buying是对的。2.Mr Hanson proudly demonstrated his company's latest cellphone,a model that flashes the ti 1 -Did you telephone the manager's office?-Yes.He______back before 9 o'clock this morningA expects B is expected C expected D was expected我选的是D可是答案是B为什么2 You mustn't touch it unless_______A asking to do B asked to C asked to b