
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:22:09
Whatever means what you scared will never bearound着句话, 英语翻译请翻译“ It reuses that would otherwise be lost to the air ,reducing carbon emissions while also costs.” He was afraid that it would be rather different from fishing in the rivers.整句翻译 i always find my sister's thing covering my bed为什么用covring,用 cover不行吗 I always help my sister_______ her history A to B with C for D of 英语翻译2.The custom of visiting friends,relatives and neighbors on New Year’s Day is one the Old World traditions that has taken on a new in USA 黄河颂是黄河大合唱 中的一个乐章,它由 什么三部分组成 "All Plant and Equipment is depreciated at 12·5% on a reducing balance basis."Can anybody translate this sentence for me plz. From the east gate of the way to the Summer Palace? What kind of transportation convenience?什么意思? 怎么写信求爱 有那些求婚创意比较好的我要求婚 在后天 希望各位大神能给我出谋划策 策划一个经济实惠又感人的求婚方式 I won not buy the car because it is too expensive 的同义句 英语翻译 英语翻译The announcement Saturday of his choice of Senator Joe Biden of Delaware included an Obama campaign text message to supporters.(这句话是美国VOA慢速英语听力里面的原文.) 《黄河颂》和《保卫黄河》在内容和语言上有什么不同?一定要好好答 _____【be】his shoes black? 根据句意及首字母填空补全句子:The new car is too expensive.We can't a___it. 哪种烃在标况下的密度为2.41g/L?RT 根据句意补全单词 The new car is so expensive.we cannot a______ it. 回肠荡气 回肠荡气等于回肠荡气吗?如果不等于,那如果有一个题:写出荡气回肠的近义词.可以写回肠荡气吗?如果等于,请说明为什么等于,两者倒过来写只是为了更押韵吗、?写帮我解解词. 黄河颂是一首什么主题的歌?是什么谱曲?黄河大合唱《共有几个乐章》,请写出两个! -May I use your computer this afternoon?怎么回答?A.It's a pirty B.No probiem it may be rainy this afternoon同意句 it () () this afternoon --- Hi,Terry,can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?--- Sorry..A.It' s repaired B.It has been repairedC.It's being repaired D.It had been repaired The money in itself meant nothing to them.为什么这里用meant,过去式 I can do nothing for them except to send them money,为啥不省to?expect前明明有do“当介词but和except前面出现动词do(包括does,did,done等变化形式)时,其后用作宾语不定式通常省略不定式符号to。”书上这样说 什么是一尺烛光,在点亮房间时怎样来计算呢? C语言中定义函数void display(void)括号中的void是什么意思? 下列文字所描述的现象按出现的先后顺序排列① “坊巷桥门及隐僻去处,俱是铺席买卖” ②“珍珠白沁就烟雨,孔雀蓝映著月光” ③ 徽商和晋商等地域性商人群体出现 ④ “宗庙之牲(指 填空:1.中国从计划经济向市场经济过渡的时间是_________.2.中国提出反对霸权主义,维护世界和平的时间____________. “Moon