
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:45:43
The park which he runs in is not from here 这里用which 是不是因为是介词in的宾语吖 但不是句子的宾语He runs in the park 但这里没有宾语 是不是 in the park 是介词短语做地点状语 其中the park是介词宾语对 I will send a message immediately.He would recive the letter in time.They must lost the letter in the post office.改成被动语态 He will send us a message as soon as he ------- in sichuan 如何掌握小学英语 怎样迅速掌握小学英语? 什么叫大爱若痴听起来挺别扭的,难道意思是爱的像白痴一样?!...不懂~~度娘也没人问.而我呢在电视剧《樱桃》的简说里看到的词& 语爱?是啥意思 sb used to do sth.它的否定形式是什么? Ought sb. to do sth.?的肯否回答 Used sb. to do sth.?的肯否定回答. used sb to do sth?的肯定回答和否定回答 used sb.to do sth.的回答 “文 爱”是什么? run after的近义词 after class的近义词同上 afterwards的近义词是later还是after I Don't You want that.You known't me! I wish I _____ the play at the little theatre.Well,if I had known that ,I would have given youI wish I _____ the play at the little theatre.Well,if I had known that ,I would have given youmy ticketA have senn B saw C see D had seen 为什么选D D不 在别人的空间听到了一首英文歌.有句好像是“i don’t know where the sky where the sky”还有一句是“think of me”和“i don‘t know how to actor what to say” 西欧早期封建制时期法律是日耳曼法和( )法并存在的局面 (2 分)A.希伯来B.罗马C.希腊D.雅典 为什么日耳曼法会对西欧法律制度产生影响? is that your desk? 罗马 高卢 日耳曼 不列颠 在罗马帝国时代他们是什么关系?请说的简单一点, 东罗马帝国是被那个民族征服而灭亡的 A.日耳曼民族 B.高卢人 C.突厥人 D.波斯人 《最后一课》通读全文,你发现“最后一课”有哪些异常之处?小弗朗士在这“课”上学到了什么? 2.She is very fat.改为否定句,在翻译刚刚打错了不好意思 You used to be very kind to me改为否定句You___ ____ ____ be very kind to meYou____ ______be very kind to me sing know hear ar is的过去分词是什么教一下吧!quick I'm going to the cinema.什么意思 谁帮我把这篇作文写完一定给好评 I'm going to the cinema 是什么时态 帮我完成两篇作文,第一篇是《让我试一试》要求:看到“试一试”这个字眼你一定会觉得有无数精彩的故事要讲.你是:①我想试一试,他人不让试的;②别人是不了,一试准砸锅,是有我能试, 最近很忙,没事请勿打扰-用英语怎么说