
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:08:08
类似plan to do sth /want to do sth/enjoy doing sth要初中常用的,不要答非所问,越多越好 德国 德语 WHU – Otto Beisheim School of ManagementWHU是什么?后面的不用翻译了,谢谢 plan to do/on doing 区别和造句 university of connecticut school of business plan to do 和plan on doing的区别 我这个情况上sfu beedie school of business 有多大希望?雅思7 gmat710 二本大学 中石油下属公司实习三个月 学生会干部 世园会志愿者 gpa4.0还有其他的学校可以推荐的吗?美国的大学呢? it's the best time ______sth 破折号前面可以用标点吗?为什么?为什么可以用或者不用 myself it time house beds I clean made the to the was by (..) the best time怎么用 what is your dream?what are essential to realize your dream? Write two paragraphs describing your friends.写一篇文章 what's your dream about your 老师给了这一句话要我们写文章哦.请问有范文吗?不用太长. Write your own letter to an advice column.Your problem can be real or imaginary.Read your letter to the class and ask for advice.你自己为一个建议栏目写一封信.你的问题可以是真的,也可以是想象出来的.把你的信读给同 plan for sth和plan to do的区别 用call onself plan to do sth 造句 用decide to do sth造句 造句 decide to do sth决定做某事要有中文意思 翻译:我们的校服颜色一样,但款式不同.The color of school uniforms__ ___ ___,but their___ ___ ___. a set of school uniforms 还是a suit of school uniforms 这两个后面用is还是are一套校服是由一件夹克衫和一条裤子组成的 破折号管到逗号还是句号?看到有的说句号,有的说逗号,还有的说最多可以管到第一个句末点号.请问到底破折号的意思能管到哪个符号为止?最好能举个例子谢谢 The uniques of school uniforms. you don't look well 还是 you look don't well what is your plans for holidays? 什么意思 You don't look well,Don!You'd better see your doctor .I( ),but he said there was nothing wrong.A.will B.would C.had D.did -You don't look well, Don! You;d better see your doctor .( ) -I__,but he said there was nothing wrong. A.will B.would C.had D.have - -我想问.这道题为什么选D when she met her good friend,she stopped to her.a to talk b talking c talk d to talking the raising of the problem翻译 the example is school of mankind怎么翻译 Don't you look beautiful?啥意思 Don"t look down let you 是什么意思? 用plan to do sth造句