
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:29:39
电梯台阶数问题一电梯正在运行,小明从下走到顶部共走了27个台阶,小红共走了18个台阶,小明的速度是小红的2倍,求电梯静止时从底部到顶部的电梯数? Without telling anyone,even her sister,Mary went to the park to meet her friends.这是改错题.答案在even前加not .为什么?从语法角度讲,属于哪方面的错误呢? Look,Mary_______(play)her friends. hello,says,Mary,friends,to,her连词成句 Mary,what ,play,is ,to ,music ,going 连词成句 商场中庭的观光电梯算面积么能说清楚点吗 another后加单数还是复数?有没有another students do you like hamburgers (作出否定回答) Do you like English?做肯定回答和否定回答 lily likes what her twin sister like/does 应用 like 还是does Sun likes singing.what____Lily?A.with B.does C.about 水能增加摩擦力还是减少.在怎样的情况下? 当m为何值时,方程组5x+y=12,x-my=9的解x,y互为相反数. 当m为何值时,方程组{5X+Y=12和X减MY=9}的解X,Y互为相反数 当m为何值时,方程组5x+y=12,x-my=9的解x,y互为相反数? 1.doesn't, play, sister, but, his, sports(.)怎么连词成句 But Steven doesn't love to do sports.He likes_____ Tom likes to play( )volleyball and he is on ( )school team. Athe,the B/,/ C/,the选什么啊? she likes[ ]【play】football.用所给的动词填空 用适当形式填空:1.Jim,__(come) and play football wiht me.2.____(there be) any lemonade in the bottle. 在平行四边形ABCD中,对角线AC⊥BD,且AC=8,BD=6,求此平行四边形的周长和面积. 平行四边形abcd中,对角线ac=√65,bd=√17,周长18,则这个平行四边形面积=? 找汉译英高手 如果满意可以给你报酬 汉译英:A的工资是B的工资的十倍. –You look very happy. Any good news? –Of course. My father_____(take)me to Taiwan in the coming–You look very happy. Any good news?–Of course. My father_____(take)me to Taiwan in the coming summer holidays. Italian food doesn't_____Jack because he only likes Chinese food.A.interested in B.fond of C.like best D.appeal to 对联怎么读(是从左到右还是从右到左)? information society 的what is on your mind 这首英文的英语歌词英文歌曲的歌词 Her aunt bought some food.(改为否定句) Mary likes Sichuan food and Guangdong food.(改为否定句) Mary____ ____ Sichuan food____ ____ Guangdong food 根据给的单词的正确形式天空.put sleep get have take look work do tell 1、What ( )your brother( )in the morning?----he watches TV at home.2、Do you like ( )a little olnger in the morning?3、Where ( )your uncle pudding可数吗