
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:55:53
Axle Whitehead的“YOU”中文歌词是什么~did i forget to mentionfing out my own through actionyes,it`s youbut the way i`ve been meetingto tell you how i `ve been feelingto tell you it`s truethus i`ve` been alone ,i`ve been alonetill the day i 求Axle Whitehead的《You》MP3链接Axle Whitehead的《You》 百度MP3搜索不到 我需要它的链接地址做空间背景音乐 I don't know why you left,just like you don't know why I still love you的意思.一定要块啊. you let me know that love is just as like a lie 是个撒意思? I still like you,just don't blv 设二次函数f(x)=ax^2+bx+c(a,b,c∈R),且f(1)=-(a/2),a>2c>b,证明f(x)=0至少有一个实根在区间(0,2)内 axis是什么意思 axis函数怎么用 x-axis 的意思 I love you but don't know what to do 这句话出自哪一本书? i don't know what love is but i love I don't know what can i do for you but I Love 《三国演义》中曹操煮酒论英雄,评价天下人物.有一人“好谋无断,色历胆薄,干大事而惜身,见小利而忘命”这人是谁? 一盒巧克力,连盒重500克,吃去了五分之二,连盒重340克,巧克力与盒子各重多少克? 一个长方体水池,宽8分米 深12分米 如果向池子中注入6分米深的水,需要谁多少升? 野鸭从南海飞往北海需要7天,雁从北海飞往南海需要9天,现在它们同时分别从南海、北海起飞,多少天后能相遇?明天要交作业.还有要列式 一道数学应用题(五年级的)用绳子测水深,绳子两折时,多余60厘米,绳子三折时还差40厘米,求绳子和池水深.在线等.!!!!!!!!!!!!请说下解题过程 !!!!!!!!!!!! ellipse minor axis 吉他谱中的B major F#major G#minor E major 怎么按的希望有类似 C╓───┬───┬───┬───┐ ╟─●─┼───┼───┼───┤ ╟───┼───┼───┼───┤ ╟───┼─ I know you still love me的翻译 乐理:major minor?scales g minor,c minor C major,Ab major这些都是什么?What is a major scale?>> a way of organizing 8 different notes that follow one after the other.>>the distance from the first note to the second is a tonesecond note to the t 英语翻译I don't know how to define love.Cause everything has happened to me.Never too early,never too late.I just cannot imagine,Why things change like this?During a day and a night,You are not only my friend,But also,you are the one who carved i 我知道 你不再爱我 请用英文翻译 用从句 I know you don't love me anymore.这是宾语还是定语从句,有错误 曹操煮酒论英雄的概括300字左右 (x+1)的三次方=0.027,那位大侠把这个方程解出来,把我把过程写起哈 解关于x的方程 :(1) (2x-1)^3=64 (2) (x^2+8)^3=729 想问下这题如何做,请列计算过程, 已知a+b+c=a²+b²+c²=2 求证a(1-a)²=b(1-b)²=c(1-c)² (- 、 I just need somebody to love ( i don`t need to more ) just somebody to love (i`i need som 几道高三数学选择题谢谢大家啊 第八题 11.把边长为1的正方形ABCD沿对角线AC折起,构成三棱锥ABCD,则下列命题:①以A.B.C.D四点为顶点的棱锥体积最大值为 12分之根号2;②当体积最大时直线BD和平面ABC所成的角的大小为45°;③B.D两