
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:22:19
Leave the school befor it closes at five in the afternoon.翻译成中文 半命题作文将题目补充完整 回忆过去给你留下深刻印象的事.物.人.景.400字以上 改错1.The red bag is cheapest of all the bags.2.Let's leave school at five ten in Saturday.急需回答改错 小丽的父母为了准备她上大学时的16000元学费,在她上大学时参加了教育储蓄,准备先存一部分款,再贷一部分款,小丽的父母为了准备她上大学时的16000元学费,在她上大学时参加了教育储蓄,准备 霜叶红于二月花为题目的作文! "花语"的英文怎么说?不会是flower language吧?也未免太直白了吧? he goes home for holiday为什么要加for还有可以改for为to吗 是I will go home when the holiday finish还是finishesholiday不是复数吗?它不是表示很多天的假期吗? 急寻!半命题作文 :“ 的魅力”“ 的魅力” 要400多字 文采普通的就好 I will go home to see my parents as soon as the semester_____A.is ending B.will end C.shall end D.ends 魅力什么半命题作文 小英父母为了准备他上大学时的16000元,在他初一时,参加了教育储蓄想先存一点,等他上大学是再带一部分若存的是6年期利息税为2.88%,上大学得带款准备8年还清年带利为6.21%,贷款利息50%由政府 Many students have hobbies,such as reading...中的as是什么用法 I often noticed the boy _school alone very soon.A leave B left C leaving D to leave the children often read books in the school l____ after schoolruti 半命题作文 我牵挂------- 什么的牵挂半命题作文 以“牵挂——”写一篇半命题作文 chimney是什么意思? 命题作文 把握… 半命题作文青春 半命题作文亲情 半命题作文牵挂 半命题作文 思念什么 小孔成像说明了什么 成什么样的像 I will finish the work as soon as i can 的同意句 使上下句意义相同或相近 i will finish the work as soon as i can i will finish the work _ _ _ _还有i am not as popular as my deskate .my deskate is ____ _____ than i .can you help me study english at the weekend?can you help me___ I will finish the report as soon as I can 同义句I will finish the report____ ____ ____ _____ She will finish her homework as soon as possible.(同义句)She will finish her homework as soon as ____ _____. 桥在水中形成倒影属于光的反射? do you like bananas?Yes,I do.What about you?怎么回答 花非花雾非雾诗句下面是什么 白居易的"花非花,雾非雾."的寓意是什么 花非花,雾非雾是啥意思?一句话说一下 用小孔成像的知识还可以解释什么现象