
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:47:14
People used to say,“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” And “56 every successful man there’s a woman.”  “ 57 these saying mean the same thing.Men 58 the world,but their wives rule them.  Most of the American wom Quite a few people used to believe that a disaster _____ if a mirror was broken.A was sure of striking B was sure of having struck C was sure to be struck D was sure to strike 为什么向日葵的花总是朝着太阳? 定语从句什么时候用"what"什么时候用"that"引导? 如何理解what引导的宾语从句可以与that引导的定语从句互换顺便帮我解释一下什么是宾语从句,谢谢 定语从句引导词一般的都能用that么 能填what who都能用that吗 夏天,成行的向日葵长得很茂盛,绽开着一朵朵金黄色的花,迎着朝阳( 填上合适词! 这是什么花,黄色的像向日葵 用一种很像向日葵的花那叫什么名字?比向日葵小很多,一个分支上只开一朵,花瓣很大,花盘很小,黄色的,叶子是细长的,叶子和枝干上像向日葵一样有小刺头里打错字了,是“有一种” 也不太像 英语单选:You can hardly imagine the difficulty zhe woman had ——.答案是bringing up.最好带个解释,感激不尽~ You can hardly imagine the efforts I have made _____ the goal.A.to achieveB.having achievedC.achievingD.to have achieved为什么不选D呢?_____ with some problem,the researchers failed to complete their project on time.A.Faced C.Facing 为什么不 You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had __bringing up__ her children. bringing up 高一生物 基因和染色体的关系维持前后代染色体数目恒定的两个重要生理过程是___________、__________.写出以下几种常见疾病的遗传方式:1、白化病__________ 2、血友病_________ 3、红绿色盲_____ 高一生物必修二 基因在染色体上在摩尔根的果蝇实验中,为什么控制白眼的基因w一定要在X上?为什么不能在Y上,如果在Y上会怎么样?如果控制白眼的基因(隐性)在Y上,那么根据遗传图解进行 Ok.Sleep well and have a nice sweet dream ok .Goodnight啥意思 EAT.WELL.SLEEP.WELL.HAVE.FUN.DAY.BY.DAY.什么 意思 “葵花朵朵向太阳”所表现出的生物的特征是()A.生物能对外界刺激作出反应B.生物能排出身体内产生的废物C.生物的生活需要营养D.生物能进行呼吸请说明理由,分析! 葵花朵朵向阳开所表现的生物特征是() A生物能对外界刺激作出反应 B生物的生活需要营养我觉着应该选B因为葵花向太阳光合作用制造有机物(营养) 葵花朵朵向太阳,“葵花朵朵向太阳”这种现象在形态学上称为生物的什么?在生理上称为生物的什么?在生态学上称为生物的什么?决定这种现象是因为生物具有什么? 葵花朵朵向太阳属什么生命特征 He is going hiking on Sunday还是He is going hiking Sunday? going to he go hiking Sunday next is 连词成句 茂的组词有哪些 _____everyone is here,Let's begin our party.应该填什么呢?after ,before,for 还是since?why? Everyone are here .We can begin our class.改错,我急用,大叔大姐,哥哥姐姐,帅哥美眉,OK? Eat,have fun and learn in Watertown.全文翻译 Eat,have fun and learn in Watertown! Eat,have fun and learn in Watertown!翻译 My mother goes shopping on Sunday.改写成就划线部分提问怎么写 The little boy aiways goes to the park on Sunday.对划线部门提问 对goes to the park 提问 on sunday my father often goes fishing (对划线句子提问) 巧答成语怎么写?