
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:30:12
英语.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时加助动词或形态动词Kate's grandmother is 60 ywas old.She likes (1)_(drive) very much and she(2)_(drive) for over 35 years.She doesn't drive fast these because she is old.She drive 用括号内所给的词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词what_________(happen)if she_________(watch) TV at the party it's a good time_________(dance) at the birthday partyif you need my help,i can give you some_______ 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词.Today Mrs.Brown had a lot of housework to do,so she 76 (take) Lily to school in a hurry.When they 77 (leave) for Canada.I'm going to the airpor 用括号中所给动词的适当形式天空,必要时可加词1、Mrs Green made Alice ______(sweep) the floor after supper.2、The students are busy ________(get)ready for the exam. 英语:阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词.Hi!I'm a Chinese middle school student named Li Ping.I'm writing to tell you about an experiment we are doing at school with our science 现在的雅思听力和剑桥3456中哪套题难度接近剑3前两套还对34个呢,到第三套和剑4了锐减到22个左右,我感到相当郁闷,很迷惘Please give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowle 剑桥雅思听力题型按场景分类我想按照场景分类做题,哪位好心人能把剑桥真题按照场景分类的顺序给我传一下啊,很着急,要剑桥2-6的听力场景分类.还有,雅思阅读词汇的书哪种好,不要那种 剑桥雅思听力和阅读的难度麻烦帮我从阅读和听力2个方面派一下顺序,从易到难吧,我说的不准确,对不起,我的意思是剑桥1到6,从易到难排一下顺序,从阅读和听力2个方面分别排我的意思就想衡 剑桥雅思听力1-7 下载 剑桥雅思听力答案我要的是答案啊.. 不是文本..全部的. 两列货车同时从两个城市相对开出,6.5小时相遇.相遇时,甲车比乙车多行了52千米.已知乙的速度比甲车的8/7.两城的距离 bed room与 living room分别是什么意思 living room 和 bed room 有什么区别啊? living room的音标和解释 The man is sitting ______ two policemen.Mrs.Jones is reading _______ the living room.She is sitting _____ the grass.The cat is running _______ the wall.Miss Li is going _______ of the dressing shop.He feels a little cold ,so he puts ______ his coat.J 求剑桥雅思3-5听力和阅读答案我再过10天就考了我没有买书... 求雅思剑桥3的test2的阅读答案, 求剑桥雅思3 test4的阅读答案~谢谢了~ 1在括号里填上表示手的动作的词语!( )着梆子( )烟叶把煤油灯( )着( )一颗金胡桃( )了灯( )叙利奥的肩膀母亲( )着儿子在括号里填上表示手的动作的词语!1还有一个~( )成 在括号里填上合适的表示手的动作的词语.()出一小瓶墨水()平一张()皱了的白纸()一颗金胡桃用手()着扶手上楼()一棵圣诞树把写满字的纸()成四折 在括号里填上表示手的不同动作的词语( )手( )手( )手( )手 帮我. 描写手的动词的词语只要你知道6个左右,(最号是超过6个,因为我的题目是这样的,我现在只有这么点分,所以为难了)那这5分就到手了!希望你们可一在3天之内,o(∩_∩)o Tom is tired.He’s sitting on the s in the living room. Tom's father is watching TV(watching TV 划线)in the sitting room. Tom is playing the piano in the music room,用in the music room提问理由是什么 The man in the room is Tom 对划线部分提问in the room 划线 Tom and Ben are c____ in the sitting-room.c后应填什么? 从1至1000的自然数中,不能被13整除,也不能被捕3整除的数一共有几个?:) :) book the nobody is in the sitting room 同义句 求剑桥雅思5、6、7、8阅读的翻译 最幸福的笑是什么词语