
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:01:57
六年级下册数学评价手册第9页第6题答案 好心人帮我做下这几道初一英语句子题吧~一.用英语解释句子,重点括号内的内容:(如同写同义句)例:I (have a letter from) my friend.答:I hear from my friend.(这句就是把have a letter改成了hear fr 1 .There is plenty of rain in the south ________ there is little in the north.while as when so 2 .— Would you like to play basketball with us?— Yes,I’d love to._______ I’m afraid I have no time.So But Or And 3 .He can’t decide which to choo 函数f(x) = (3x +1) /根号(x^2 -5x +6 ) 的定义域为? 求苏教版语文八年级下全古诗解析和文言文解析越好越多加要具体点的要好用的 第9题. 初一英语9.9.大题 第9大题 八上语文古诗词,文言文有哪些?要语文版的哟!我要课文,记住是语文版哟!谢谢! 科幻作文500字 问几道初一英语关于现在进行时的题目1.wait for sb.to do sth.意为:( )2.( )They have a party ( )Saturday afternoon.A.in B.at C.on D.of3.给下列动词加-ingstudy-( )pass( )turn( )pay( )visit( )answer( )4.用 现在进行时1)It's raining hard.中rain为什么用现在进行时?2)形容天气的名词,如(wind.snow.sun.)在什么情况下,要变成形容词形式?3)动词在什么情况下变成ing形式?4)Let's go swimming at seven o'clock.中swi 仿造句子.Model:I/work-What are you doing?-I am working.题:the Green /watch TV例:Modle:is,now,the,tree,climbing → He is climbing the tree now.题:Mr Li,the girl,is,carry,the,helping,box.改:( )题:are,listening,to,the,the,teacher 5年级数学书下册练习7第8题咋写啊家具厂订购500根方木。每根方木横截面的面积是24平方分米,长3米。这些木料一共是多少方?顺便问下 横截面 是啥... 七年级语文上中的文言文与古诗请问下高手七年级语文上中的所有文言文与古诗是什么,请说下名字 甲数是20,乙数是甲数的20%,乙数是?算式 ) 甲数的1/3与乙数的1/4相等.如果甲数是90,则乙数是(?)算式答案一起上来 {a(n)}中 a(1)=3; na(n=+1)-(n+1)a(n)=2n(n+1);证明{a(n)/n}为等差数列 并求出a(n)的通项公式额 原式是na(n+1)-(n+1)a(n)=2n(n+1); 【na(n+1)】 中 的(n+1) 为下标 不是 求数列{a^n-n}的前n项和 形如a(n+2)=4a(n+1)+an的数列如何求解a1=1 a2=4 根据郦道元的《三峡》改编,以导游身份写一篇游览三峡的作文 根据《三峡》这篇课文,写一篇600--700字的作文,也就是邀请郦道元(三峡的作者)游现在的三峡 好急的 郦道元三峡 的文章结尾用渔歌作结有何用 《写给郦道元先生的一封信》,关于三峡的,作文有没有关于三峡的写给郦道元先生的一封信的作文? 数列题 -2,-8,0,64()A-64 B128C156D250 2,3,13,175,( )A30625 B30651 C30759 D30952请高手做做,小弟实在不会做.具体步骤写写 五年级上册语文第26课生字组词3个 证明数列a(n-1)-a(n)是等比数列已知数列a(n)满足a1=1,a2=3,a(n+2)=3a(n+1)-2a(n)(n属于N*) 数列a1=1/2,a(n-1)+1=2an(n≥2)求数列An的通项公式若数列Bn满足:2b1+2^2b2+~+2^nbn=n2^n,求数列bn的通项公式令Cn=2An×Bn,求数列cn的前n项和Tn 选择:1.The train is ( ) safe means of transportaion while radio and television are ( )important means of communication.A.a ;an B.a;\ C .\ ;the D.\;an2.I’m considering () a teacher after I leave school.Which is considered ( ) a respectable profe As we all know,parents are concerned____their children's study,because it is concerned ____their future.A.for;about B.about;for C.about;with D.with;about 求解高一英语题,要讲解I really don’t think my best friend w ill be angry, but I’11 go and see her,in case she _______.A.will be B.is C.does D. has been —Will you go home tomorrow evening?—No,I am going to a lecture,or at least I’m planning_____.A. so B. that C. it D. to