
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:18:57
what was the significance of the American War of Independence?please answer in English 英语翻译Even though I'll never need her,even though she's only giving me pain,I'll be on my knees to feed her,spend a day to make her smile againEven though I'll never need her,even though she's only giving me painAs the world is soft around her, This is of great significance里面的of的作用请问:This is of great significance.不清楚这句句子里面的of的作用. The science of medicine,_____progress has been very lately ,is perhaps the most inportant of allthe sciences.a.to which b.in which c.which d.with which The science of medicine,__progress has been rapid lately,is the most important of all the sciencesA.to which B.in which C.which D.with which The science of medicine,_ we owe a great deal,is perhaps the most important of all the scienceA.which B.to which C.where D.for which我要详细的解析及题干的翻译 The science of medicine,___ which progress has been very rapid.A.to B.with C.in D.among The science of medicine,____progress has been very rapid lately,is perhaps the most impotant of all sciences.A to which B in which C with which D of which 薯条的英语咋写 薯条 用英文 怎么说怎么写呀?怎么读呀```写音标也可以~French fries 怎样用英语写出热狗的制作过程 这个是谁啊?我英文很菜 请问您要几份菜 英语怎么翻译 用英语做饺子的一般步骤,带上翻译,具体一些, 英语翻译材料:盐、酱油、佐料、水、蔬菜、猪肉、面粉.1将面粉与水混合,揉成面团,并用擀面杖压成薄片.2把盐、佐料、蔬菜和肉混合,搅拌成饺子馅.3将饺子馅放如薄片中,并用手捏边缘部位, 高分跪求一篇英语作文-怎样做饺子英语作文和其翻译都要,最好用处而上学期的单词用初二上学期的单词,最好在150词左右 做饺子的步骤英语作文六十字左右及翻译 做饺子,用英文怎么说?是do 还是make? 用英语如何描述做饺子的过程 关于介绍饺子的英文短文 没有制作过程,短 英语作文:怎样制作饺子 有关饺子的英语作文(要翻译)急! 哈利波特6英文简介(80词左右) 一篇英语作文 西红柿拌糖的做法 80词左右 提示词Ingredients ,two teaspoons of sugar ,three tomatoes1.需要三个西红柿2需要一勺糖3切西红柿4搅拌我看不明白这图所以也可以自由发挥 一篇用英语写的、糖拌西红柿的做法 有关西红柿拌糖的英语短文 英语做菜作文:糖拌西红柿根据所学类容,写一份如何制作糖拌西红柿的短文.要求至少有三个以上步骤并用上关键提示词(first,then,finally),不少于50词 需要什么原料,具体步骤是什么, 英语介绍名人帮我介绍一下贝克汉姆,差不多300-400字~Long Essay Writing要求:1.第一段概括介绍他,然后举出两个要点2.第2,3段 分别写着两个要点3.最后在概括一边这两个要点真得很想给分,但是没 英语介绍国外名人.短文.120词左右.有的速度回. 用英语介绍名人不要太长,我是拿来读的 差不多1分钟就可以 难度不要太大 就初三的水平可以了 生词不要太多 好的我再加悬赏 我要用英语介绍名人,最好是中国的,60~80字!最好加上中文!