
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:29:00
The T-shirt is so e( ).I can not afford it. The colorful T-shirt is beautiful but it is not c____for me Don't put the bottle on the edge of the s_ of the desk ,or it will fall down 中国人民解放军几几年成立 It's really an eyesore indeed.Sorrowful 中文什么意思 Compared with his sister,Peter is even more______ to,and more easily troubled by, emotional and ...Compared with his sister,Peter is even more______ to,and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems.填 accessible 还是sensitive? She's been in and out of UC all the flight over here.Her vitals have stabilized.BP 90 over 60.She's been in and out of UC all the flight over here. 新文化运动时期,陈独秀倡导的“新青年”体现了当时怎样的时代精神? (1/2)It is these poisonous products that can cause the symptoms of the f 英语翻译这图片上选名贵滋补品的地方下面的英文写的是什么?可以打出来吗?我需要复制. The symptoms of flu may be unpieasant,but they disappear within a few days.该句中The symptoms of flu may be unpieasant,but they disappear within a few days.该句中disappear为什么不用过去式? maintain our psychological well being.这个短语对吗? In order to________health,a person shoule eat wholesome food and do exercise.为何用maintain,但不能remain? my miss marry you 闪电婚好吗? 闪电接婚会幸福吗 ‘闪电婚’可取吗? 闪电结婚后又闪电离了婚,请问跟同学、朋友相处时要注意哪些?认识到领结婚证才短短一年时间,一年后发现完全是两个世界的人,并相隔两地,我们刚办了离婚证.我想请问下一个离过婚的女人 一身是胆的动物是什么生肖 Is it right for you doing so? 红军时期革命根据地有哪些 黔北革命根据地是哪一支红军创建的 红军时期革命根据地举例 人民解放军转入战略进攻开辟的第一块革命根据地什么啊? 请问:water lily,只指睡莲?还是指睡莲和荷花? WATER 我刚刚买了副WATER LILY品牌的眼镜,不错是不错但是我不明白WATER 是水百合吗? Differences b/t "water lily" and " lotus"? water lily 可数吗 太阳光在不均匀的大气中传播路径是弯曲的 属于光的折射吗 mapgis里悬挂线段是什么意思新手,拓扑检查有大几千个悬挂线段不闭合的错,以后画的时候注意什么,才会少这种错误 摩凡陀(Movado) 手表价格这款Concerto协奏曲系列 0606470 女士石英表,多少钱呢 成都movado摩凡陀手表专卖店在哪?