
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:08:19
十四个人划船过河,小船可以载两人,问几次可以过完? (1/2)甲乙丙丁四位同学要划一条小船过河,甲划船过河需要2分钟,乙划船过河需要3分钟.丁划船过河需要6...(1/2)甲乙丙丁四位同学要划一条小船过河,甲划船过河需要2分钟,乙划船过河需要3分钟. The beauty is in lover ’s eyes 是什么意思 一个班40个同学过河春游,河边只有一条可载4人的自划船,来回一趟要4分钟,如过全班同学都渡过河一共要划几躺,共用多少时间?需要提供算式哦! 外教口语班,戴尔和杰克美语哪个更适合初学者?要联系方式?广告请勿扰,很早以前上过戴尔的新概念,不过听说他们成人课现在内容有变化?另,杰克美语有同事推荐,具体还想了解的细一点. 三菱PLC课程设计没几天就要交了!要求10页A4纸以上,有梯形图、流程图、i/o分配表、控制电路、主电路等传送带的目录一、背景及意义二、要求三、工作原理四、方案、论证、比较五、控制电 怎样形容不守信用的人 对于不守信用人所说的话,在必须要面对的情况下,我该采取什么样的方式来应对呢?请经验人士指点迷经,谢他所承诺的事情也或许是真的,只是我怕途中有变,我是想如果有个书面的东西来制约 堂吉诃德谁写的 请帮我把西班牙语译成中文,De comienzo al presenteTe aún amo Porque caigo en amor con usted para sentir felicidadI para éstos slandered nos que la persona se siente dolorosa Nuestro amor es por siempre duro Debo dejarle sentir la felicida (1)THEY HAVE SOME ORANGES.变为单数句(2)DOES YOUR REN PAL HAVE A TENNIS RACKET?变为肯定句还有一个题,翻译成英语句子:(1)我叔叔有大量的体育收藏品.(2)所以我们很健康.(3)我们学校有很多俱乐部:排球,篮球, 待到金色的秋天,我们把丰收的果园拥抱.是比喻句吗? 丰收丰收美好的时候这是一首歌曲的其中一句歌词,有谁能知道这首歌的歌名叫什么? we s___ her playing footbaii last sunday.怎么写啊,用所给词的适当形式填空..急 the reason is that students don't work hard than the students in the past.the number of the students is ten times than the ten years ago..这两句话要怎么改啊. Cooking is for mom What does Jim ask Jack to do and why? i had five tickets ben bought two from me and i sold ____(剩余的)three to jack 四年后(2017年左右)意大利语和西班牙语的前景怎样?哪个更好?(不要复制) 葡萄牙语在四年后会不会达到饱和?西班牙语呢? the saying ( )sb 某人的名言 用什么介词 get the call _____ sb.接某人电话,填什么介词? This device is already associated with an apple Join each pair of sentences using the word in brackets..1.I'll go.I would like to visit the museum.(before)2.Tom studied very hard.He took the exam on Sunday.(before)就是用before来连接句子,时式要正确. 英语作业join each pair of sentences,using the attributive clausjoin each pair of sentences,using the attributive claus1 He was late again this moring. Do you know the reason2 Can you tell me how to spell the name of the city? The 27th olympic ga 用所给词的适当形式填空,补全句子:1.More and more students like playing computer (game)now.2.They need (discuss)what to do with their parent's old house.3.Everyone should brush their (tooth)twice a day.4.Jack is one of the best footbal difficulty,trouble,problem,quesfior的区别 difficulty problem trouble区别还有哪个可数 More and more pepole like playing football,()isMore and more pepole like playing football,()is an exciting game.为什么不能用because Join each pair of sentences into one,using the second as an attributive clause.3Q1Tell me more about the pupil.2Tell pupil took part in only one activity at the camp.Tell me more about the pupil(…) Combine each pair of sentences with (that,who,or whom).Underline the object pronouns in the b.Example例子:a.A woman asked me for my phone number b.I didn't know her.>A woman (that / whom) I didn't know asked me for my phone number.a.The couple wa we_____to catch the train for shanghai, but found it gone 为什么选had hoped