
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:41:08
会的不要乱答呐!)有这么两句话:1.A:Here is a present for you.Guess!What is it?B:What shape is it?A:It's a rectangle.2.A:What's the shape of your present?B:It'round.看那个回答,为什么一个在It's后面有加a,一个没有? 答答答答答案案案啊呐呐呐呐呐 水泥砖和混凝土实心砖是不是一样的啊如题 Harry,who had failed in the final exam,had a great worry________ his mindA:on B:to C:with D:at He passed the final exam t_____ his great effort 有文采的进.阅兵式进行时,每个队进场时,主持人都要念那个队的宣言,我就是求这个,文采可以的有高分! 有文采者进最近戒烟,心里好难受.来2行.可以的重奖200分最好是古体诗 一袋米50千克,10天吃完,平均每天吃()%,6天吃了()千克. 有文采进有没有一个字或者一个词能代表家的?不要长篇大论.只要一个字或一个词..而且要不怎么容易看出的. 有文采者进.家族的名称叫 She,醉笑陪君.求收人前言~要求复古.简洁~最后就一句话 英语 according to the modellers,emission cuts won t change the life style provide .这是什么意思啊! 求解! If a question ______(answer)incorrectly,the evilwitch will cuts her hair short. 英语方面问题:meets,drink,swims,takes,cuts的过去式 4题,快,在7点之内 下面的单词各有一处错误,标出并改正Centimetersplendedintresingdifforentqetiongodess第三个打错了,是intresting 4-7题谢了 4-7题谁会? 载歌载舞什么意思 载歌载舞,舞的意思 PINK FLOYD THE FINAL CUT 翻译 改错(找出错的单词,并改出)1、would you like any apply or cakes?2、l have none homework to do today?3、l enjoy live in the bulidings .4、let him goes to the supermarket and buy some fruit.5、one of the woman doctors can play tennis .6 一个蜘蛛八只脚,从树上掉下来之后,还剩几只脚啊 错的请改正确~(每句话中那个单词错了,错了请改正)1、where are you hand?2、Let ’s sit and down.3、This are miss white.4、Colour the bag an orange. 三只爪的龙叫什么? 英语改错,题往下看,请把错的单词和改正的单词写出来,坐等回答1.He has a chance learning from the famous actor.2.News about the sports meeting make us excited.3.How did you arrive Tangshan?4.We must slow down when we across the 翻译 刚想起来我没吃饭 载歌载舞的意思 缓缓的近义词 解释蝉蜕的现象 科学解释蝉蜕现象 你见过蝉蜕吗?怎样解释这种现象? 三年五载的意思