
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 12:11:02
Dear mother,I_____to hear from you soon. (why选B不选A?) A.hope B.am hoping C.hoping Dhave hoped.不是信里面结尾经常会说:I hope you can write soon么? 为什么这里又要用进行时呢? 请问下:progressive tooling 和transfer tooling的最大区别在哪儿? tooling costs和tooling leadtime是什么意思啊 tooling 模具?What would be the price and tooling to make 10 assemblies?翻译 Tooling Fabrication是什么意思 词汇量多的请帮我,找类似津津乐道的词语或成语?就是形容1个人对某事某物着迷陶醉的词语或成语 what is in the picture a dag.中间填什么?我打空格的地方这题是这样的::根据词首字母填空!what is in the n————— picture?a dag!我打————的地方是词的句首,填空 1、首字母填空 H__is a pen for your birthday What is that in the n___picture?答句1 Thanks2 It is a dog ( )the numbers in employment the service industry is the first industry in our town.A.In the short time B.In the long time C.In no uncertain terms.D.In terms of 请一定翻译此句! 1雨后出现彩虹2地震3海市蜃楼4含羞草开花5战争6种子发芽7大雁南飞8昆虫脱皮9青蛙冬眠中属于自然现象的有 Our purpose is to establish the biggest company.这句话对吗? when our plane took off,I saw the things on the ground __smaller and smaller.A.becoming B.become C.to become D.get完形填空 we place the highest value on our friendlly relations with developing countries进行翻译 Japan and Germany are ( ) countries.A.developed B.developing C.develop what is the weather like?的中文 It is our consistent policy that to promote trade relationships with developing countries.谁能告诉我为什么在that后要加to啊~ 怎么提高自己的中文词汇量以及思绪,就是能想的更远,更开阔一些我玩说唱,然后现在喜欢上了FreeStyle,FreeStyle就是现场随性的随意的发挥,但是有的时候说着说着就卡住了,或者是不知道要表达 1:You aunt is ___ (call) you from Shanghai.2:Thank you ____ for planning the trip toShanghai.A.a lot of B.lots of C.a lot D.lots 3:翻译:暑假里坐在客厅的沙发上看世界杯足球赛真好.Its is nice ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in the sitting Our classrooms and teachers offices are in the buildings.这个句子中有一处错误的地方指出并改正. Our clasrooms and teachers’ offices are in the buildings.翻译 the offices are ( ) the classrooms . 在教室旁边 the offices are ( ) the classrooms .在教室左边 科学的每一次巨大成就的下一句是什么? 科学的每一项巨大成就,都是( ) 科学的每一项巨大的成就都是以大胆的为出发点的这句名言告诉我们只有什么才能什么 科学的每一项巨大的成就都是以大胆的为出发点的这句名言可以告诉我们只有什么才能什么 科学的每一项巨大的成就,_____________________________(请补充) 英语卷子上阅读的一个问题 Who is the passage written for?这道题是问是谁写的还是为了谁写的? 2.The passage was written by Zhu Ziqing .______ ______ ______ the passage ______ 2.The passage was written by Zhu Ziqing .______ ______ ______ the passage ______ 4.The coke on the table is mine .(划线部分是哪?)______ ______ is ______ 5.The l have made some friends with_______since l worked in New York.(America) it is over 30 years ()shengzhen was established as a special zone……befor since那个为什么 -----(have) offices all over the world,in airports and in city centres.has为什么不是have offices 是复数啊