
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:27:17
英语翻译用作空间名称的要求准确 Can I help you?---Yes,I'd like five _____ and some peas.A.potatoes B.tomato C.meat D.carrot拜托 4、8、9的公倍数是多少 连词成句 (1)over,me,can,come,help,you,and (2)were,at,watching TV,they,8:00pm (3)you,were,home,at 英语翻译急用要非常准确哟 英国圈地运动概况 关于英国的圈地运动,主要因素是羊毛还是耕地,我看到的通史上解释的原因是粮食需求量增大,物价上涨,然后圈地进行耕作,由此产生了农业资本家,地主,和农业劳作者...地主成为新贵族... 英国圈地运动下英国的土地状况如何? 十四世纪英国圈地运动与二十一世纪中国圈地运动异同及社会影响 英国圈地运动的主要影响 You never know until you try,and you never try until you really try.这句话最好该怎么翻译 与···相爱 英语翻译 matlab中元素的幂符号.^怎么输入啊? matlab中这个符号怎么打?这是什么符号呀?求大大 2前面那个小尖~ 鲁滨逊漂流记所反映出的18世纪的英国的社会和经济和社会状况 谁知道《骆驼祥子》内容概括200字谁有《骆驼祥子》的内容概括200字最好 骆驼祥子24章内容概括200字!急死我了!是24章每章都要200字内容概括!跪求! try to do ,mange to do ,succeed in doing 三者的区别与联系,以及try to do与try doing 的区别try to do ,mange to do ,succeed in doing 哪些是尽力去做,一定会成功,哪些是不一定会成功?一定要权威答案! love to do这个句式对吗?请帮总结一下动词+to do或doing 、do的形式 关于大学四级英语完型填空的问题我做了三套四级完型填空的真题(1999.2000.2002年的),20题里每次都错5个,在十分钟内完成.是好还是差? 德语四级完形填空中最经常出现的语法是什么 骆驼祥子每章大约200字的内容概述 骆驼祥子每章简介200字以上 resist的用法,加doing还是to do should it rain tomorrow,we would have to cancel the football match.为什么should不能用would来替换呢 You should have known waiting for you in the rain_______more than one student,together with all the teachers!A are B was C were D is But for the rain,we should have a pleasant journey.为什么不这样写?But for the rain,...为什么不这样写?But for the rain,we would have had a pleasant journey. 丹顶鹤的英文名称是? 一横是什麼号是什麼意思? there was nothing they could decide but ( ) A wait B to wait There is nothing we can do_______ wait.A.but B.rather than C.in spite of D.besides There was ( ) I could do ( ) wait.A.something,but to B.nothing,except to C.something,but D.nothing,except