
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:19:52
Susan is not the brilliant writer________she used tobe额.我们给的答案是 that.为啥 whom/which 求详解. Choose the correct words and fill in the blanks.填:what\\\///where\\\///who\\\///howA.-_____tall are you?-I'm 1.5 metres tall.B.-_____did you go yesterday?-I went to the park.C.-_____do you like?-I like bananas.D.-_____is she?-She is my friend,Mar He knows something about the seasons.改为否定句 This kind of robot will be fun to watch .to watch在词句中做什么成分? This kind of robot will be fun to watch.的意思的什么?请大家帮个忙,就今天要,帮忙告一下里面的短语和整个句子的完整意思 Will this kind of robot be fun to watch?帮我翻译一下这个句子,谢谢 . this kind of robot will also be fun to watchto watch 在这句话中是什么用法 this kind of robot will also be fun to watch用英语怎么说? 和的多音字hu 2声组词你正确,我有赏 如开头的成语 That young girl is not the one whom she used to be. it was such fun to watch it run loose in the park.这里怎么会用loose的 6.the girl is not ______ she used tobe.A)thatB)whichC)asD)what It was such fun to watch the dog run___in the park.A.loose B.loosely 应该选哪个?但我不明白为什么这儿不填副词. It was such fun to watch the dog run___in the park. A. loose B.loosely 应该选哪个?求详细解答及例子 有哪些“如”字开头的成语三年级开放阅读上面有的 it was such fun to watch it run loose in the park为什么可以用loose不是应该用loosely “如”字开头的成语为什么没查到?至少需要三个哦! 人教版必修一it was such fun to watch it run loose in the park为什么可以用loose不是应该用loosely? 在一个圆柱形储水桶里,把一段半径是5厘米的圆钢全部放入水中,水面就上升9厘米;把圆钢竖着拉出水面8厘后,水面就下降6厘米.求圆钢的体积. 一滴红墨水滴入了脸盆的水中水迅速变成红色为了节约用水可以采用的求方法 不锈钢脸盆装水过久了水变浑浊是什么原因? ab两地相距10千米,甲乙两人都从a地出发去b地,甲的速度是乙的速度的3倍,出发时,乙比甲早出发10分钟,到终点时,甲比乙早到半小时,设乙的速度为x千米/小时,可列方程—————— 上午10点甲乙两人分别从AB两地同时出发,甲从A向B走,速度10千米/时,乙从B往A走,速度15千米/时''两地相距100千米.(1)两人几点相遇.(2)两人几点相距20千米 雨下得太大了,我们没能举行足球比赛 英语翻译 The rain was __that it__holing the football match 右上半圈是什么声母 英语翻译A Speciai Footbaii Match Mike was late for shool.He said to his teacher ,Mr.Black,"Excuse me for my coming late ,sir.I watched a football match in my dream" "Why did it make late "asked the teacher."Because neither team could win the game 施肥时要避免氨态氮肥与熟石灰,草木灰等碱性物质混用,因为会降低肥效,为什么? How can I practice_?A.speaking English B.listen to English C.to watch English filmD.hearing English songs can you speaking english ? 是什么意思? The more you listen to English,___you’ll feel in speaking English.C.the more easily D.the easier 气溶胶粒子英语怎么说气溶胶粒子是大气的重要组成部分,请问英文怎么说,