
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 21:31:44
维吾尔族用英语怎么说? 维族人用英语怎么说?初中课本上好象有,忘了 维族人和汉人长的有区别,用英语怎么说? The train arrived in shanghai at 3 a.m(句意相近)The____ ______of the train is 3 a.m The train leaves at 11:00 a.m.and arrives at Shanghai at 7:00 p.m.(改为同义句)It ___ ___ ___ togo to Shanghai by train.We plan to visit the Great Wall.(改为同义句)Our plan ___ ___ ___ the Great Wall.I paid 10 yuan for this pencil-box.(用 -Tommy,we are in great need of your help here and ... -Look,____.I am not coming and that is that.A:I"d love to B.that is nice of you C.it doesnot matter D.just forget it很奇怪的一道单选题。。。 冬天的小草作文怎么写呢怎么写呀 在口译时如果找不到对应的译词时 该怎么办? 英语翻译大展宏图 、上有天堂,下有苏杭、黄金宝地、具有相当规模和影响的金融市场体系、园林建筑艺术的典范 、海内外游客、造景园林、翻一下, 新东方中高级口译,口试和笔试词汇书是同一本吗? 承前祖德勤和俭 启后子孙读与耕这副对联中,承的意思是_________.在对联中,与承对应的是_______,承前祖德勤和俭 启后子孙读与耕这副对联中,承的意思是_______.在对联中,与承对应的是_______,意思 There are around two hundreds students on the playground哪有错 Stop talking!改为同意句 _____ _____,please. please stop talking的反义疑问句 调速电钻靠电刷来调速是怎样实现的 调速电钻电路图 求大侠解答吹风机(电钻)开关双向可控硅调速原理 顺便看下我发的这张图对不对,求大侠解答吹风机(电钻)开关双向可控硅调速原理 顺便看下我发的这张图对不对, What time( )we( )(climb)the mountain this Sunday?At 6.00a.m. 给所给词的正确形式填空 I'm planning to climb mountain this Saturday的同义句 W′ll stop here today.改为同义句 急需知道几个建筑材料的英文名称,望各位高手赐教,非常感谢~~~这几个建筑材料的名称分别是:1:石粉2:801胶水(建筑专用的胶水)3:钙粉4:色母 《惊魂眼》(The Gift/台译:灵异大逆转)凶手是谁昨晚看一半睡着了.没看到凶手究竟是谁,结局如何.请问是怎么回事,谁能说说,谢谢499243211朋友的回答.不过ladyson,做人要厚道,明显是故意胡说,恶意 电钻换向开关都一样吗?我的电钻正向不行,反向可以,怎么回事? Some students going out_____the building.用适当介词填空 类似whataya you want from me的歌Adam Lambert的 谁有whata you want from me 的吉他谱, what's this?A.It's here B.It's the letter S C .its S D.It's a S 应该选哪一个 lets us suppose that this man ges hit between the eyes. ges hit between the eyes 怎么解释求详细解释,谢谢gets hit between the eyes ,是get!!! 咱们吃些橘子吧 Let's ( )some oranges. 过去完成时的句子里when怎么用?I had nearly reached the town,when the young man said‘Do you speak English?'When I had fastened my seat belt,the plane took off.这两句里when在不同的位置,是不是在过去完成时的句子里,when get hit between the 自由职业的英语怎么说?中文谐音的读音哦