
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:52:49
只有两个月的时间了就要考计算机二级、英语四级了,我该怎么复习呢? 把下列的英文句子按要求改 this is a cake.(改为复数句) what's that?(改为复数句)those are toy.(改为单数句)is taht a map?(作肯定回答)are these bikes?(作否定回答) A ball hit him this morning.改为同义句He got ()()a ball this morning. Danny thought he (can )hit the ball.5 This morning I (buy) some (thing)at the shop.Bob`s team is (play)basketball this evening 7 A team (have ) many (play) 急用! 高二政治哲学复习提纲 求高二政治哲学复习提纲最好根据《说明》的 高二上地理复习提纲 英语翻译鱼说:你看不见我流泪,因为我在水裏;水说:我能感觉到你伤心,因为你在我心裏;我说:都TMD要熟了,还在这裏缠绵!麻烦稍微有点意境,按字面直译谁都会...You couldn't see my tears cause I am in th He came here on foot this morning.(划线部分提问)划线:on foot where,how,on foot,near,bus Lets()the park this morningwhere,how,on foot,near,bus,go to Lets()the park this morning Their father is going to work on foot this morning(the day before yesterday in the morning)改句子 This boy does exercises in the morning.(改为否定句) 某人骑车向正东方向行驶,看到插在车上的小旗向正南方向飘动,假设风速保持不变,骑车人沿正南方向行驶时,小旗的飘动方向不可能的是 ( )(A)正东方向 (B)正北方向 (C)东偏南方向 (D)东偏北方 the saltwater room 的中英文歌词 The saltwater room歌曲的歌词发音谁知道啊?就是比如说 歌词里有bus这个单词 用中文唱出来就是 巴死 这种的歌词.我要学唱这首歌啊. The boy a() arrived late for school this morning ____he late for school this morning?A.DOES B.WAS C.IS D.HAS 中文词组“庐阳”,类似中文发音的英语单词是什么?或者有什么办法可以翻译出有类似中文发音的英语单词 ?还有比royal更接近的吗 要做一个英文的演讲 做Ppt 找不到东西啊 谁给我点建议啊 以"A Rainstorm hit Nanjing"为题,写一篇80词左右的短文急啊 more strong对不对 ___(Study) this can help us lear more about Nanjing strong 前加more吗 有more and more strong 这句话可以那样用吗?China is becoming more and more strong. She has a teddy bear in it翻译 英语翻译第二句用get可以吗?has gotten 、eceived 都没学的为什么要用got呢? 生日快乐用英语怎么读 京沈高速铁路的14个车站求京沈高速铁路沿线14个车站的站名 距离北京的铁路距离 不要告诉我有北京 承德 朝阳 阜新 沈阳 这个我知道 请问:what is harder to establish is whether …….怎么翻译,里面的to establish 是什么成分?先谢谢了原句是:what is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for 英语翻译原句是:what is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real.有人可以帮帮忙吗, May i take your order?(翻译)