
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:50:17
客家酿豆腐的历史.由来如题 我在花坛旁闻到了醉人的花香和漂亮的蝴蝶.(改病句) 这支优美动听的歌声在教室里回荡 修改病句 告诉我5个病句,不要太夸张了,优美的,不要改病句只要病句 He made his dreams come ture after several years' working hard.come ture为什么不能换成realize或achieve呢? Espanol是什么意思 1Don't worry.She can look after your pet___Acareful enough B enough careful Ccarefully enough D enough carefully2He____to turn off the light when he left Aasked B asks C has been asked D was asked 3From then on ,I read the book ____Chinese people his It will take a lot of l____ to build a railway.Can you tell me the way _______ Labour Day in your country ,Tom?A.celebrations B.celebrating C.on celebrating D.of celebrating 初三英语填空题(填入适当的介词或副词),大哥大姐们帮帮忙( ⊙ o ⊙ Her father has nothing_____her hobby. 中比喻君子不与恶浊的世风同流合污,也不高自许的句子是什么? 急!英语大师戳进来!五道选择题 真题 体验感悟!Mum,lve heard that we can t eat i have heard that we can't eat these day 为何填chicken 英语翻译 if one day i say ... 有什么方法令到自己英语有所提高谢谢了,我想学英语,但我英语好差!有D英文不会读!有D就会读,有D就连拼都不会!我真系后悔了!请各位教下我有什么方法学好英语! 根据括号中的单词的适当形式完成句子 -------(know)how to ask for information politely is vevy impor最后的单词是 important [这句英语是什么意思?]I considered whether the OrderType is really an Entity ...I considered whether the OrderType is really an Entity , and I don't think it is a Value Object . Entity 不用翻译Value Object 不用翻译 One day是啥意思 How many season are therein a year?什么意思 当我不重要时,我会选择离开.请问用英语怎么说.很多个句子,请问比较失落是哪个 “我爱你但是不得不选择离开”英语怎么说 the olds时表示一类老人吗? write a memorandum to all staff regarding the arrangement of a fire drill.这也是一试题.怎么回答啊? Let's ask Jim.He is certain____ A.to know B.know C.knowing 求懂字体的大师们帮我看下这是什么字体 求懂西班牙语的人,把下面这首歌词用汉语拼音标注一下,volarcaeral fondo el dolorsonarperderimperios de ilusionhoy no tengo nadasi no estasmi corazon se apagaisabelsi te vastu dios se enfadarano dejes que este amormuera asiilorarei 请问有人知道下面的两种字体是什么吗?帮帮忙.万分感谢. there are shells( ),( )on the beach怎么填 People are ( )(sit) on the beach.括号里填什么 Tom often goes_____(skateboard)on Sundays.横线上是不是填skateboarding?为什么... 全体员工 是 all the staff 还是 all staff? The attendance will be included all staff. 为什么用被动语态?