
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:20:07
How many bedroom are there in your apartment or your house怎么回答? you can enjoy your sleep in bed in the bedroom in the house 语法正确吗?in bed 用加the Do you have any__________(rule)in your house. 我要古今历史上爱惜粮食的古诗词 故事 歌谣 名言警句故事要短一些的, 爱惜粮食的名言古诗要有名字要名人 帮忙找一下关于爱惜粮食的名言警句或谚语.最起码15句. 将括号内名词变为适当的形式填入空白1.If no alternatives______(see),it often means that a thorough job of examining the problems has not been done.2.The second half of the nineteenth century______(witness),the first extended translatio Mrs.Green is going to give Mary a birthday party.Mary is her daughter.She will be ten years oid.A lot of her friends are coming to the party.Twenty of them are girls.Mrs.Green is getting ready for the party.Mrs.White is helping her."That's a big nice Sally invited me to her birthday party.It is at her house on saturday.为什么用INVITE的过去式 What are you going to ____ her birthday补全对话A:What are you going to do ______ this weekend?B:I an going to buy some clothes ______ my daughter.Next Tuesday is her birthday.A:What are you going to do ______her birthday?B:We are going to ______ her mother going is to house clean the tomorrowher mother going is to house clean the tomorrow连词成句, A man is going to the house of a friend .阅读题A man is going to the house of a friend . It is quite far away and so he takes some sandwiches along for his lunch . As he goes along , he says to himself , “My friend is sure to give me a very nice 你怎么去上学用英语怎么写by car My name is Mary变成同义句 my name is my中文是啥意思 求电子说(平凡的世界)谢谢 要好听的女生英文姓氏,V开头,要有翻译.我的英文名是Stephanie.还有:维多莉亚 咋拼的? 一些简单题目,英语1 、 i haven't seen Jack for three days.Is he ill?_____.His mother told me that he was in hospital.A.I hope not B I am afraid not C I don't expect D I am afraid so2 、Now Helen works ______than she _____ 1.there is ten minutes' walk from here.这个句子有语病吗?2.完成句子:let us wait until the rain ______(stop)3.september 10th is _____DayATeachers' B.the Teachers'4.i think one bag of each _____(be)enough 给孩子起个英文名 名字叫 孙煜轩 3Q 名字的拼音是zhaoruoling,帮忙起一个英文名,3Q 平凡的世界怎么样 改出下面句子的同义句.1.Finally,the noise and shaking ended.( )( ),the noise and shaking ( )( )2.I couldn't see anything at all.I ( )for see( ) at all.3.A moment of fear went through my mind.I ( )( )for ( )( )( ). 超简单英语题目The box is on the floor is_____heavy.I can't carry it.A.too many B.many too C.much too D.too much He is Dave.(改为同义句)—— —— is Dave. 根据首字母填空!Why did he m____ the early bus?She was ill.Her parents s____that she should have a medical examination.This is the best hotel in the city ____ I know.A.where B.which C.that D.it 平凡的世界说的什么? 【平凡的世界】 中一些问题,按照题号回答面对贫穷的家境,孙少平态度如何?由此可以看出他是一个怎样的小伙子?【平凡的世界】中孙少平的经历告诉我们怎样的人生真谛?请结合孙少平的经 外贸翻译 中文翻译成英文请帮我把下面翻译成英文, 自动翻译的就不要发来了.你好,由于我们仓库操作失误,把无袖的衣服发货给了你,如果你收到货,满意并且给5星的评价,我们将补偿你2美元. 英语翻译1月10日我和爸爸妈妈一起去乡下奶奶家,帮她过生日.我和爸爸妈妈先去买了生日蛋糕.奶奶看到我们去看她,所以非常高兴.中午奶奶烧了很多的菜,我们吃的很开心.中饭吃完了我和爸爸 英语翻译我们相处虽然只有一年,但是时间也不短.在这一年的过程中,我对你还是有很深的印象,你的头发很漂亮,身材也很好.对了,还有你的声音,很萌的.你在我眼中是个爱学习的好孩子,希望你 写同学录,怎么写?要英语的!附加翻译哦.亲们!