
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:48:05
迟到1000字检讨书 英语检查 (迟到,200字)急!因迟到,不用太高深的语法.英语极差.凑合就行就是来晚了,脚扭了 这个字数貌似不够啊 怎样写200个字的迟到的检讨书 检讨书500字.迟到 秋游集合迟到检讨书200字.检讨书200字,关于秋游的 反义疑问句练习 反义疑问句的用法谁能给我讲的细一些谢谢 做几道反义疑问句习题1.he must have read the book,2.he has read the book,3.he has to come here early,4.he is going to see a film,5.they have been to the Great Wall,6.some of the water is not clean ,7.jim has never seen it,8.three hours ought 检讨书200字我是四年级的,我们老师说星期一和三,要等老师才能走,我忘记了,就走了,回来老师叫我写检讨.急!快的加30分(三十分钟内). 检讨书200字.我是个还不错的学生 可是今天上课不带书被老师罚写200字检讨书感想 检讨书 200字左右的.是上课时串班.给领导捉住勒 然后逃跑勒.今天就找我去谈话勒.要我写深刻检讨书.急.明天要交勒. 怎么写200字以上的检讨书我因为没有带书被罚写的检讨书,请各位帮忙写篇参考(因为我不会写) 六年级下册英语改为一般疑问句的题目十分钟内!改为一般疑问句的!20道!就可以!加油! 问个英语问题 改成一般疑问句The boy can eat up a bowl of porridge?改成一般疑问句Can the boy eat up a bowl of porridge?Does the boy can eat up a bowl of porridge?不是说一般疑问句中 有情态动词~情态动词可以提前 变特殊疑问句?we went fishing last week:划线:went fishinghe saw a beautiful picture in the supermarket.划线:in the supermarketshe had a good time last weekend:划线:last weekend 英语怎么改疑问句把My face is round. your face is long. His hair is short. Her hiar is long. His eyes are big. Her eyes are small. I have a round face. you have a long face. He/She has long/short hair.像这些怎么改为一般 用英语解释句子.This kind of bird doesn't exist now.This kind of bird ______ ______.The air in Shenzhen is clearer than that in Guangzhou.The air in Guangzhou is _______ _______ _______ _______ that in Shenzhen.Both my brother and I got up at 英语句子解释There is a better way to live your life,a better path to having your voice heard,a more meaningful way to engage with the world.此名中为什么是having而不是have? 打架检讨100字的急用 打架检查咋写 写的深刻 现已回家反省 1000字 打架检讨书500字要深刻 3000字的打架检讨书速度 打架检讨书300字 翻译:我们玩得很开心!(用英语) 怎么变一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 六年级英语第一课特殊疑问句怎么写 一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的区别 vt是动词,那vi又是?这两种词在英语运用当中有什么区别? 英语中动词vt,vi请教是不是英语中及物动词一定要跟宾语,并且直接跟宾语?而不及物动词后要一定加介词才能跟宾语,但也可没有宾语?碰到一个单词concern.为及物动词,查询了它的解释如下:1. 英语单词中的vi.vt.有什么区别?用法? 动词vi和vt有什么区别啊? 骂人检讨书怎么写(写纸条上骂的老师的)(100字)