
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:32:00
are you 一个弱弱的问题.我们生活在北半球,大多数坐北朝南,太阳是左手边起右手边落,那么南半球是不是相反的呢具体要问的是这样.我们在北半球,房屋大都是坐北朝南的,所以早晨看到的太阳是从左 怎样回答Are you……(肯定,否定回答) 用现代诗歌凝练的语言表达下列诗句的意思 诗句—造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓.改写( ) are you peter?(否定回答) 不良行为和严重不良行为有可能发展成为违法犯罪是对的.严重不良行为本身就是违法行为? I would like to move to the countryside.—— I can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful sceneryI would like to move to the countryside.I can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery;——it won't be convenient for me to do shopping.A.on the one hand 偷窃少量财物和参与赌博属于一般违法行为吗 甲在盗窃他人财物的犯罪活动中,其盗窃行为属于犯罪客体吗? How are you 都有哪几种回答? 梁静茹的会呼吸的痛里面不是有句说 越来越像贝壳 怕心被人触碰 那形容心里特别脆弱的女生该用什么贝壳形容 乌龟、尺子、书的英语怎么写请大侠帮帮忙 you are telechers 改成否定怎么改 my friend swims faster than me改为一般疑问句i jump higher than tom (对划线部分提问) 这不是我的书,我的英语书在她的书包里.英文 明基投影机MX615+灯泡发出的光变成了黄色是什么原因? The world cup______ two years after the Olympics.A.is taken place B.is hoding C.takes palceD.is held 欧洲自然环境( )显著,( )气候和地中海气候分布典型 投影仪画面突然变黄 灯泡刚换了两个月不到? Like the Olympics,the World Cup takes place _____ years.A.every four B.each fourth C.each four D.every fourth the World Cup _ two years after the Olympic GamesA.is taken placeB.takes placeC.heldD.is holding 常见的一种农作物害虫----蜗牛,它具有以下特征:身体柔软,有外套膜,身体表面有贝壳,根据以上特点判断蜗牛属于哪一类动物( ).A腔肠动物B软体动物C甲壳动物D哺乳动物 after____practice lang lang is a well-known pianist now 1.so many year 2.so many years3.so many year`s 4.so many years` 1.After _________practice ,Lang Lang is a wellknown pianist now.A.so many yearB.so many years C.C.so many year's D.somany years' 2.In my opinion ,a good teacher should be s______ with the students i konw him so well的中文歌词这是一首歌,求这首歌的中文翻译谢谢 After ten years of hard practice,he became a ____ pianist.quality qualified quantity qualify meng yee man's husband is whocan u all tell me?who is her husband?do we know him? Alice is preparing __report while her husband is surfing _ internet 冠词填空 描写国家繁荣人民安居乐业的诗词RT…另外有没有描写少年青春飞扬快乐成长一类的?如果是诗词的话要古代的,或者来自小说,或者墨明棋妙那种中国风的歌词也行 总之语言要精致恩 有没有那 求写国家兴盛的诗、词、曲、文言文给几首吧,要写作文的说…… even many years after his disvorce,he still couldn't figure out the reason for his _________marriage.c failling D failed选Dc错哪儿了,为什么选D 求少女时代Even after 10 years视频开头出现的钢琴曲叫什么?