
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:24:06
把下面的句子写具体句子A:“神舟七号”飞向太空.句子B:余晖洒在江面上.句子C:天空洒满了星星.就相当等于扩句!1有可以瞒过老师眼睛的句子吗?就是老是看不出是在网上查的或在书上 将下面的句子写具体(1)雪很大,像(2)春雨细细的,像 my way of handing stress at school my way of handling stress at school the key mean翻译下. handled properly什么意思? 把下面句子写具体1.春夜真静啊,静得( )2.风刮得真大啊,大得( )3.梧桐山真高,高得( )4.在海边游泳的人真多啊,多得( ) 照样子,把下面句子写具体 例:这间屋子真冷,想冰窖一样.1.这地方的变化真大,( )2.教室里真热闹,( )3.弟弟写的字真工整,( ) 把下面的句子写具体,1、黄果树瀑布真壮观呀,2、黄山松真是千姿百态,3 、"嫦娥一号"飞船的速度真快呀, flowers是什么意思 flower是什么 local-preference求怎么读,中文谐音 Remote 中文是什么 8.Do you hear the sound A.of people shouting B.of people shoutedC.people shouting D.people shoutedplesase tell me why 把下面的句子写具体1、妈妈批评了佩佳.2、公园里鲜花盛开.3、湖面飘着落叶.写得具体些,优美些. 照样子把下面的句子写具体例:我的腿真酸啊,不得不交替着用一条腿支撑着,有时又靠在书柜旁,以求暂时的休息.我真后悔啊,______________________________________________________________________________________ my weekends作文 Sarah翻译中文句子 Sarah Hudson翻译成汉语 这位老人总是不停地和别人说话.The old man ____ ____ ____to other people what do you think of the story your father told you/ it was___long____boring.i nearly fell asleep.both and还是either or,为什么? we are trying to use funds for the red cross.那位大侠帮我翻译一下, do you think the computer need to be further improved 这句话是对是错 the athletes are in (t ) for their next race. 横线填什么 I thought that I still loved you是什么意思? 用I thought you 来表达我想你了对不对? japan mov't dycased inchina stainless steel water resistant 10bar (1974) ef-326, Is anything the matter with your ()anda的首字母 It's ten o'clock.Lusy is (s )good night to Mum. 读读下面这句话,结合提示的内容,想想怎样把后面的内容写具体.例:蜘蛛刚扑过去,突然发生了一件可怕的事情.一大滴松脂从树上滴下来,刚好落在树干上,把苍蝇和蜘蛛一齐包在里头.1、上课