
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:12:47
when you are going to tell the bad news to Cindy?_she come back有选项A .UnlessB.As soon asCSinceDIf请详细说明为何不用If she doesn't come to the party today,she_busy.A.maybeshe doesn't come to the party today,she_busy.A.maybe B.may be C.must D.may don't sit too close to a computer because _light can harm your eyes.a.too many b.much too c.too much d. so many He doesn't think she will come 反义疑问句是does he 还是doesn't he 春秋末期,大国都是齐国和楚国.(修改病句) 新概念英语2册背诵问题?请问各位背诵新概念2册真的那么有用处么?我计划一天背诵一篇,但背到6课之后就感觉没有动力去背了,坚持不下来背诵了.请问如何才能让按照原先的计划进行,我怎么 大力士用英语怎么说 rock 历史上齐国,楚国,秦国,韩国,赵国,燕国,魏国哪个国出的人才最多?哪个国出得军事人才最多? at+work+or+in+your+什么+home 齐国、楚国、燕国、韩国、赵国、魏国、秦国的英雄 at work or in your o____ home. 战国时期由晋国分裂而来的国家是:1.燕国2.赵国3.楚国4.魏国5.韩国A.12B.245C.34D.345 Does your mother work in her office or at home?选择疑问句快啊 魏国、齐国、宋国、汉国、燕国、周国、吴国、赵国、楚国、唐国,现有哪个国?【禁止抄袭,违者必究!】描述的越详细越好,描述好的采纳最佳. ______ your father ______ home from work at 4:00?A.Do,comes B.Does,comes C.Does,come D.Is,comes 谁有初二下数学复习提纲谁有啊 给我 ,急.是上海沪科版的 Is your mother at home?No.She is at w___. Is your mother at home?No,she( )shopping.为什么中间只能填has gone而不能填goes呢? 5月31日有什么特殊意义? get.from 5月31日的特殊意义? get time from selected location是什么意思模拟HTC手机时间与天气的软件里的 may是什么意思 we get glass from sand. it needs to get more energy 我们每个月斗举行一个生日晚会(翻译成英语) 汉字的偏旁和部首有什么区别? 汉字偏旁和部首的区别 初二下册历史复习提纲人教版1.人教版的2. 内容要比较具体 初二下册政治人教版复习提纲我要的是详细点的,尽量把重点全打出来,帮上忙的这30分送你了! 如题 教师应该具备哪些基本素质?