
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:04:17
英语翻译 肥乡县现有多少人口? Fill in blanks with the verbs in ttheir proper forms.1.i _______ (not know) you ______ (fail) in the maths exam again this term.but ______ (not worry) about it.i can ______(help) you with your maths.if you really want ______ (catch) up with others,yo Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in brackets.1.My father ______already _______(build) a cosy kennel for the pet dog.3.--What have you done today?--I ______(write) a letter and _______(play)tennis with my mum.4.They ______(visit) t Fill in the blanks with proper modal verbs1.—Could I use your dictionary?——Yes,you ___________.2.---Must we finish the work tomorrow?---No,you ______________,but you must finish it in three days.3.How _____ you say that you really understand th 英语翻译Although John ______ (begin) to play the piano at the age of six,he ______ (like) playing the violin now.Mrs.Andrews ______ (be) worried about her husband because the dog ______ (keep) shaking his head this morning. We are proud of和pride of our 哪个的意思是“我们的骄傲” Everyone in our class( ) our winning the match.A.take pride in B.is proud of请说明为什么? Read the conversation and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.Jenny:My australian pen friend Amy will come to Hong Kong next week.Paul:That's nice._______you_______(go) to Stanley with Amy?Jenny:Yes,I will.We _______(go) there next Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words. 我真的很爱你,给彼此最后一次机会,好不好?怎样翻译成广东话 “我真的很爱你,我不想让你离开我,再给我一次机会,”的英语杂写? 或许我真的很爱你,我根本就无法失去你,能给我一次机会在爱你一次吗?换成英文 请给我次机会,也给你一次机会好吗?谁知道英文怎么说 求Never know 歌词的中文翻译! 其实我真的很爱你.爱上一个结了婚的男人.一个大我一圈的男人.真的好痛苦.我们刚在一起只是出去玩.只知道很开心.可是知道我们爱上了对方.却有了很重的负罪感.即使我们之间没有发生关 read and fill in the blanks with correct form of verbs in brackets.we ____(wait)for a taxi.we ____(go) to visit you! Exercise Read the passage and then fill in the form 如果你爱我,那么我会用一生去爱你.英语怎么说? 如果你爱我就好好珍惜我和你在一起的日子翻译成英文 如果你爱我我会更爱你.英语 英语翻译如题 如果你爱我我会陪你到永远英文怎么说 四级听力对16个,快速阅读6个,选词填空2个,仔细阅读5个,完形填空12个,作文和翻译65--80分,能过吗 英语翻译我的车子坏了,我只好把车子拿去修理.我以为不久车就会修好,可是过了两个小时他们才开始修车.他们本该在一个小时前就把车修好.我们正要冒险步行去公园,这是,他们许诺不到半个 香港入澳门再回香港问题我想问一下,我订了港进港出的自由行,想其中抽一天去澳门,我现在持有一年一次的香港和澳门签注,可以从香港入澳门再回香港返回大陆吗?如果一定要香港一年两次 以学会感恩,孝顺父母为题,800字左右,作文,文章新 因为在这个充满爱的社会中,处处都需要我们来学会感恩.英语翻译 学会感恩,关心他人的文章谁有? “学会感恩,回报父母”的国旗下讲话不要太长,五分钟之内即可! 作文:关爱弱者学会感恩 因为父母过分关注分数 .英语翻译