
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:37:26
He said,“Don’t do that again.” He _____ me _______ that again.A.said to me; not to do \x09B.said to me; don’t do  C.told me; don’t do \x09D.told me; not to 请问为什么不是A ---Don’t you think it necessary that he ____ to Miami but to New York?---I agree,but the problem is _____ he has refused to.(2005江苏)will not be sent; that B.not be sent; thatC.should not be sent; what D.should not send; what为什么选B? 帮忙起个英文名,女的,我叫张洋,不要太俗的那种. 侧能组什么什么词 左传不就是左丘明写的吗?那左传(左氏春秋传)是不是就是孔子的《春秋》?还有什么叫 左传就是春秋,是孔子十三部《经》里的最后一部经? 简略评价孔子仁的思想 孔子的核心思想是"仁"还是"和" please____ it like that,Jim.A.don't B.don't do C.does D.doesn't please do it like that否定句 Please do it like that!快,紧急 Two Evening Papers,please!only one copy left.Would you like to have( ),sir?A.one B.it C.thisD.that 拍组词有哪些 用什么字和拍?、地?门、?队一起组词 组词!拍歪了! Y 用拍组词 拍在后面 我国第一部史书 我国第一部断代史史书 京可以组什么词? I don't think that would do you much good托福 TPO23 conversation1 求翻译 最好有直译加意译 Do you think that cyber love is believable and reliable Why or why not 帮我写一篇 要准备 差不多2分钟的时间 不要从其他地方黏贴哦 what's the English for this对,还是what's the English for it对? 为什么孔子写《春秋》不写《冬夏》 mother这个单词的七个字母各代表什么含义哪位帅哥美女知道mother这个英文单词的七个字母分别代表什么英文含义,我曾经看到过,但是一不小心忘记在哪看过了,呵呵,帅哥美女帮帮忙,e小米在此 mother相对的单词是什么 举例谈谈你对孔子“仁”的思想的理解 典中点七年级下册英语第二单元全部答案. 京怎么组词 grandmother's mother?是什么单词?外婆的妈妈,太外婆 谁知道my love.Kiss me tender and hold me tight foreve中文翻译 my love kiss Me lender and hold me tight forever family和people能接s吗? kate is family has ( ) people?括号里填什么?