
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:23:10
英语学霸问题,谁是 块出现,我的问题你来接, 由6条长度均为2 cm的线段可构成边长为2 cm的n个正三角形,则n的最大值为 《总结一学期语文成绩,并计划下一学期语文》作文 You are on vacation and the weather is terrible there..明天口语比赛,急谢谢哈>>>...You are in a restaurant and the food there is not very good and very expensive.You are in a clothing shop and you are going to buy a blue coat for your father How is the weather there? _____ is rainy. There aren't any flowers now.But there _____(be) some trees. It’s bad for your eyes ____ TV for a long time. Has it beensnowing for a long time? she was really happy I asked翻译此处I asked什么成分和用法? Miss Li was giving a report to us 把这句变被动语态 The composition of the report took two months.写这份报告花了两个月的时间.这里为什么不用被动语态?为什么不是The composition of the report was taken two months? 被动语态 用被动语态 This is my last weekend,I felt very happy.This wThis is my last weekend,I felt very happy.This was my last weekend,felt very happy.第一句对还是第二句对? she's happy I asked 是什么结构? “We are in Class one,Grade Seven." (用 I 改写句子) 浮生六记·闲情记趣余闲居····见者无不称绝全文概括,用一句话全文概括,用一句话 浮生六记 闲情记趣 余闲居 浮生六记 闲情记趣 余闲居注释神情确肖的肖含义 浮生六记·闲情记趣余闲居····见者无不称绝全文概括,用一句话 我是要一句话别乱发 请划分句子1.He regards his many physical problems as unimportant.2.She was really happy I asked. The young c can cook nice food c什么(单词) What does your sisiter do?改为同义句 浮生六记 闲情记趣 余闲居作者是一个怎样的人 ------classes are there in Grade Four?Four.填空 I don't like the dishesbecause it's boring 一年好运随春到 lme zsh一年好运随春到 ghu一年好运随春到 ebi一年好运随春到 一年好运随春到 mhe 《闲情记趣 浮生六记》之 余闲居,案头瓶花不绝.求文章中心和主要内容 she was really对不对