
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:37:37
西游记中写猪八戒的主要事件是什么 写出《西游记》中关于猪八戒的一个故事 Did one of his neighbors like the noise?的答句 Doesn't it look like the real one?(做肯定回答)_________________________________ Lily doesn't like the light green skirt,but the d_____ green one. 已知等差数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,Bn=1|Sn,且A3*B3=1|2,S3+S5=21.[1}求数列{Bn}的通项公式{Bn]{2}求证B1+B2+.+Bn<2 They have nothing important to do with the---------(understand) sentence.上面的错了They have nothing important to do with ---------(understand)the sentence. so they have( )nothing to do now It was more than he could bear  when  his old friend _________ him to accept a  cigarette.A invited  B  urged       C persuaded            D 数列an,a1=1,a(n+1)=an/(2an+1),求通向an 已知数列an前n项和sn=n平方+1an前五项?是否等差数列?an通向公式 Few people like dishonest person,do they?这个问句怎么回答,到底是Yes还是No AIDS is said ___________  the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.A  that  it  is     B to be  C  that it has been   D  to have been 英语 英语单选 (4 17:22:14)With so much work ____in hia head all day long,he feels rather stressed in hia daily life A   filled      B  to    fill       C& 英语 情态动词 (3 17:16:26)you ought to have make an apology to Tom yesterday evening.Yes,I know I----a.ought to           b.have to           c. is my是什么意思 my hoby is 意思 Will is my My dear 如果多种意思的话青大家说明啊, English people like (black) tea better than green tea.( )为什么用black而不用red? 功利主义的含义是什么?要准确的 功利主义指什么 什么是道德上的功利主义 如图,点P是△ABC的边BC上的一动点,过点P分别作PM//AC,PN//AB. 当点P运动到何处时,四边形AMPN为菱形 功利主义的现实意义是什么?功利主义在现在有什么意义和作用,我们应不应该提倡功利主义呢?你觉得奉献是不是也含有功利主义的成分? 什么是超功利主义什么是功利主义和超功利主义 一段友谊 英文怎么说 武松痛打蒋门神 阅读答案武松大踏步赶将出来.那个捣子径奔去报了蒋门神.蒋门神见说,吃了一惊,踢翻了交椅,丢去蝇拂子,便钻将来.武松正好迎着,正在大阔路上撞见.蒋门神虽然长大,近因酒 功利主义伦理学的主要原则有哪些 什么是功利主义 求一道英语题解答:We're going camping for vacation next summer.(对going camping划线提问,怎么做?) 功利主义危害人得生活就是寻求幸福的过程,幸福的最大化就是最正确的人生.谁帮我走出这个误区!人得全面发展是谋求人得生活幸福的意思吗? 修身养性在生活中要注意是什么?