
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:11:00
要复数形式 They visited (the Great Wall) yesterday.(对括号内部分提问)_______ did they visit yesterday?为什么用what不用where? 这是英雄的中国人民坚强不屈的声音!这声音惊天动地气壮山河!这句话表达了五壮士怎样的情感 _______to sunlight for two much time,your skin will be done great harm.A.Exposed B.Having exposed C.Being exposed D.After being exposed怎么排除D? Many great things can be done in a day if you don't always make that day tomorrow.这里that day什么意思,不通呀 为什么说五位壮士口号声是 英雄的中国人民坚强不屈的声音 In the part five years,he ___many interesting things.A,did B,has done C,...In the part five years,he ___many interesting things.A,did B,has done C,had done.是不是选C啊? 狼牙山五壮士 课文为什么说英雄的中国人民坚强不屈的声音? 蚕变成的飞蛾为什么接着屁股生卵?我家飞蛾接了2天了为啥还不出来? Many great things can be done in a day if you don't always make that day tomorrow的中文意思 为什么飞蛾产下不久的卵就自己孵出来? 飞蛾产下的卵一定是蚕吗 黄粉虫吃塑料是什么行为 蚕的卵多久可以孵化成蚁蚕 蚕要几天才能孵化 蚕从卵里孵化出来,需要哪些条件 蚕蛾产卵后,那些卵真的能孵出蚕吗?越具体越好,我正在养蚕,蚕已经变蛾了,两只蛾交配好了,还能和其他蛾交配吗? 鸽子都有哪些本领 有些垃圾放到一起放久了就生一些可以飞的小虫子?那些虫从何而来啊? )鸽子是人们喜爱的一种鸟类,它们具有卓越的飞行本领.鸽子靠什么来导航呢?有人做了一个实验:把一些训练有素的鸽子分两组,在一组鸽子的翅膀下各缚一块小铁块,另一组鸽子的翅膀下缚大小 有些垃圾放到一起放久了就生一些可以飞的小虫子?虫子从哪里来的!有些垃圾放到一起放久了就生一些可以飞的小虫子?那些虫从何而来啊?有些垃圾放到一起放久了就生一些可以飞的小虫子? 冰字组词 2个字的 用冰字组词.要有个性点的,我想拿来当网名,六字以内, 每个人都是昆虫但我确信我是一个萤火虫 说说文章以这句话开头有什么好处 发光二极管封装符号 曹冲智救库吏中,曹冲是个怎样的人?文章是通过什么 方式 体现的?好的话会给予悬赏的···粉我粉我··· For years they have lived a life in the countryside,which was very enjoyableFor years they have lived a life in the countryside,_____was very enjoyablea.where b.whoc.whichd.that我到答案是c.which ,感觉应该选b.who作主语,指人.which作主 初三英语:The policeman asked the boy __ his parents were and __ they lived疑问在第一个空,老师刚开始填what,后来又说whom比较好,他说what问职业要加一个do,还说这是问“是什么人”. The old man moved to the countryside with his wife later,------they lived a quiet and happy life.选项 A for B which C where D when选哪个?为什么?为什么不选A? 1.For years they have lived a life in the countryside,which was very enjoyableFor years they have lived a life in the countryside,_____was very enjoyablea.where b.whoc.whichd.that我到答案是c.which ,感觉应该选b.who作主语,指人.which作 鸽怎么换部首组词 鸽组词四个字的!