
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:52:37
It is a very interesting story.(改为感叹句) The story is interesting and e_____ likes it very much. 句型转换:You mustn't play football on the road.(改为祈使句) _____ _____ football on the road. This story is very interesting.It is w____reading. You mustn't play on the road.改为祈使句(提示:__________ __________ on the road.) 1、You mustn't play at the crossing road.(变成祈使句) 31、You mustn't play at the crossing road.(变成祈使句)3、These are my boxes.(变成一般疑问句)3、Betty is not at home now.(对画线部分提问)4、It's clean classro 英语翻译1/我的生活很简单但又不枯燥2/生活就是像一个调味剂,不可能时时都是酸的,总会有那么一点甜的味道 英语翻译黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟.人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的.我要把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务之中去.十万火急!如果查不到英文,就帮我换一句能查到英 You can’t play football here(改为祈使句)—— —— football here 英语翻译因为艾玛非常不喜欢她70多岁的父亲每天凌晨三点起床去湖边非法钓鱼,她觉得这种爱好对于老年人来说非常危险的.为了阻止父亲去钓鱼,艾玛向管理员举报了自己的父亲. play the football game是踢足球还是踢足球比赛 他想要在世界杯上踢球.He wants to play football ---the --- ---. kick football踢足球与play football踢足球有什么区别 我们下午4点左右踢足球.we play football ()()4::00 in the aftenoon. 踢足球用英语除了Play football的另一种说法是什么足球的另一种英文说法 1.May I ask you a few questions,Li Ming?________.Please go ______.2.Is there more fun in playing the piano?Not _______.But it is more _____ and good exercise. 写给英语老师的一封信,200个英语单词左右,感谢老师的教育,等等 要给我中文翻译 第一名的英语单词怎么写? 女朋友的英语单词怎么写? 英语翻译1.I entered the Boston Globe.2.I had to fight my way into a dime-a-word job其中 Boston Globe?fight my way into fight my way into 喜欢徒步旅行 用英文怎么写 一切都会好的,英文翻译,用gonna 妈妈、爸爸、爷爷、奶奶一起打网球的英语翻译 我喜欢乘火车去旅行 两种 英语句子1 我喜欢乘火车去旅行 ( 要 写出 两种 英语句子 ) 用 by train 算一个, 还有一个可以这么说么? I like taking the train to travel I like to take the train to travel ( 我会离开,永远.用英语怎么说很悲伤的那种 我正在走 英语怎么写 you'd better( )(not play )in the street, 1 You'd better (not piay)football in the street. (用适当的动词形式填空)Tomorrow I ___ (fly) to Beijing. 用动词的适当形式填空,While we ----(wait)for the bus ,a girl---(run)up to us.I ---(telephone)a friend when bob---(come) in.Jim---(jump) on the bus as it ---(move)away.We ---(test)the new machine when the electricity---(go) off.She --(not wan we_____play football on the street,It's too dangerous为什么用mustn't不用can't Please tell the boys never ___(play)football in the street.it's too dangerous.