
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:58:40
玻璃瓶是如何加工出来的?对这个一直很好奇,比如罐头瓶、啤酒瓶、饮料瓶都是怎么加工出来的? 高中英语改错题 I blieve that anyone can make themselves well to eat .Cooking is a lot of easier for us than most of us might think.last Sunday my parents were away on business.Iwas lelf lonely at home with no one to cook for me.So I have a goo 高中英语改错题On Thursday I will have to decide what I want myself to do over a weekend.I am thinking of making a trip to London,and visit the British Museum and parks,But I have spent most my money,so I cannot even go out of town.I may go to 中国教育的发展历程是什么? 中国电子商务的发展历程 中国资本主义经济的发展历程不是“中国 民族 资本主义经济的发展历程” 我们经常互相帮助 用英语怎么说? hardly 和 hardly ever 的区别、用法和词性我们老师今天刚教了第一单元,我不明白hardly和hardly ever有什么不一样,这两个词分别放在句子中的什么位置,还有这两个词的词性分别是什么,分别什么情 hardly ever 和almost never的区别 hardly ever的用法啊饿饭 改错1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;   2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分.  I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little aggressive.From the time I was about four until I was about six,I des 高中英语改错题You can work out the math problem in this method.请指出错误并改正 高中英语改错,急1.My wife,Clarissa,had different idea.She had some modest Christmas growing up.She vividly remembered when she was 14 or 15 years old and her father lost her job in the construction industry.She overheard her parents talked abou Welcome to our specially progrommes that aim to help you improving your English speaking shills.Over the next fourth weeks,jean dong and William Kremer will provide lots of advices to help you on your way towaeds better speaking.We stsrted this week 有什么做人要讲诚信的例子 中国教育该如何发展? 求几件生活中的讲诚信的故事不要从其它地方复制,如果实在没有真实的话,虚构也可以写诚信论文急用.在这里我想用100分的收购诚信故事,要求真人真事,或亲身经历!不要在网上抄的,我自己都 武松打的是华南虎吗? 做人要讲诚信 事实论证 人要讲诚信,不能撒谎,但生活中也需要“善意的谎言”,请根据自己的经历,写一篇作文.要从括号中选词补充作文题目.谎言带给我的________(苦恼,痛苦,快乐,幸福.)我(痛恨、渴望、讨厌.) hardly 和hardly ever的区别? present perfect,simple past,请帮忙答题.Mr.Wilson(work)______________in a bank for fifteen years.Then he gave it up.Greg lives in Los Angeles.He (live)_________there all his life.While we were on vacation,the weather(be)___________terrible.I don' 中国教育的发展形式现在的中国发展有那些形式,有着什么样的发展 There is one mistake in each sentence below.Circle it and write the correct word above it.Cross out the extra word with “×” or add the missing word using “∧”.2.The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is a dictionary which he often uses 人活这一辈子的使命是什么?意义是什么?3Q 视一而定,用英语怎么说 根据这篇自我介绍可以提什么问题,英语的,怎么回答Good morning!My name is Mary.I'm a 12 years old girl.I live a beautiful city of Taiyuan.I'm a quiet ,lovely ,and clever girl.In the school my favorite subject is math.Perhaps someone 提个简单的英语问题大家都知道一位有趣的老师翻译是an interesting teacher.那么如果我说an interested teacher是什么意思?还是根本就不能这样说 初二英语几个填空 【描写≈声音的诗句】多一点呐,Be quick!1 高中英语改错急!i still remember the morning.my father suddenly wake me up at about 5 and sky was still gray.i jumped out bed surprised and extreme happy,for we were going to get the book .when\x0cwe drove to the bookstore,many people were alre 改错原文自己对着改Li Han is a good friend of mine.He made a deep impression on me the first time we met,and we became good friends.He is tall and thin.When I first met him,it was rainy and cold.He wore a white T-shirt and blue jeans,with a b