
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:47:05
Je suis rien 中文怎么翻译?是什么书? —Is the meeting held in Room 302or 303?—It should be 302.But I hear that it ___till tomorrow.A was put offB will put offC has been put offD is put off (1/2)When I entered the classroom,the teacher announced we were going to The teacher entered the classroom quietly when we were doing our exercisesquietly划线提问 像皮树什么时间分盆 树枝长出了绿叶(改成比喻句) The students were singing an English song _______ Mr.Xiang came in the classroom.A.after B.when为什么 what's his nationality ? 怎么回答? 树为什么要长皮?因为不长皮会死滴///! 什么是树膏皮 There is going to be a soccer game next weekend.画线句子为 a soccer game 怎么提问? 急!牛津高阶英汉双解词典音标那上面每个单词的音标一般有两个,哪个是英式的,哪个是美式的?(前面的还是后面的)回一楼,有些没标注的怎么分呢? what is your nationality?应该怎么回答拜托了各位 应该回答chinese还是回答china? 关于what's your nationality和what nationality is you.what's your nationality和what nationality is you意思一样,为什么外置会变化? What is your nationality _________(用France的某种形式填空) [-A84] When asked why he went there,he said he was sent there ______ for a space flight.A.training B.being trained C.to have trained D.to be trained 翻译并分析 染色体为什么会发生变异? 染色体结构变异,使同源染色体不能配对,会产生什么后果?(请讲详细点) Y染色体是X染色体的变异吗?在《Y-The Last Man》里面看到的,有个女权组织说XY在生物学来说是XX的变异,这是真的吗?求科普\x09拜托各位了 3Q 有道词典本地增强版 怎么发音朗读金山词霸可以在不联网的时候本地朗读发音有道词典本地增强版可以吗 可以的话怎么发音朗读 改错(每句一处错):My mother does the homewoek at home after supper 知道什么英语字典软件发音准确吗,我需要一个单词一个单词的听,才能学会读整句英文. 英语翻译Effective listening results in doing the right assignment,doing the assignment correctly,and taking notes effectively. 骑士文化 英语怎么说 专属骑士英语怎么说不要乱说- -类似白马王子那种 但又不全是就是守护你的人那种意思啦 I'm doing time 要怎么正确翻译 骑士在归来 英语怎么说现在进行时的。 没有荣誉的骑士,用英语怎么说?骑士是Knight,这一句用英语怎么说?急用, 天使骑士用英语怎么说?现在要, 水中树的倒影是由光的反射形成的实像吗? 为什么有很多树到了夏天就会掉皮 Then he went to a flower shop on his way home.用中文怎么说